
5 years, 9 months ago




 Name  Kayne
 Age  Unknown, Young Adult
 Sign  Aries
 Gender  Genderless, He/ Him
 Height  Feral- 67cm
 Race  Canine
 Role  Apresentor




Chai is a member and one of the foundators of the Elemental Squad, in which three other Puddis (Roosevelt, Romeo and Selva) are. At first, the whole squad thing was just a joke between Rosie and her, then, as they met the two other Puddis, it actually became a thing. They now all live in their squad house, a moderately big treehouse situated in Chai's garden, the Shimmer Gardens. Her mein goal is to make all the elementals (squad members) happy, and protect Rosie, as much as she can, from his ex boyfriend, Edmon.

Chai's past is a pretty normal one, she was loved by her parents, had a good life with his brother figure, Toni, and had a couple of friends, just enough for her to be happy. Though, everything changed when her parents disappeared, and a disease starting showing in her, the Hanahaki Disease, which causes her to cough up blood, as well as petals and flowers. She doesn't know why she's sick of it, she just... knows she's sick. Growing up became difficult, her friends started being afraid of her coughing blood and flowers, and went away from her, scared it might be contagious, or scared to be hurt after she supposedly died. This is the one and only reason she hasn't told the elementals yet, fearing that, once they'd know about it, they'd flee away from her, which is also why she's always so happy to see them, even after them being gone only for an hour. She, for a long time, only had Toni, and became really attached to nature, as she had almost nothing else to care about, and later on decided to open a garden and flower shop, Shimmer Gardens, moderately near a city, meeting her three new best friends along the way, as well as other friends and acquaintances. So far, her life has become as perfect as it used to be, but- what about her future? This is what everybody is wondering, along with her.

"Are you down for some party, dear?"

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