Rory (Fates of Fernbiem)



2 months, 1 day ago


Rory Fieser

Called Rory

Gender NB (fem)

Pronouns She/Any

Age 17

Race Tiefling

Class Monk

Theme Pelicans We

HTML Pinky


A young tiefling with a complicated relationship with the moon. Suffering with lycanthropy and struggling to feel human, she takes up odd jobs around her world. A former associate being Drake Caldwell.

Growing up in a world where the world tree was burnt down leaving a majority of the world as a desert. Being in the Hellish Fallyn living amongst a nomadic tribe of Tieflings that she eventually fled from.


Height 5'6" (167.6)

Build Mesomorph

Eyes Bright Orange

Skin Tone Maroon

Hair Color Ashy Brown

Hair Style Wolfcut/Shag

Demeanor Austere/Polite


  • Skinny but has some bulk around the chest
  • Patches of fur around tail base and ears occasionally, ASK FIRST
  • Resting bitch face a majortity of the time, shows emotion just normally doesn't
  • Canines are larger, don't stick out of mouth unless smiling


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Taking her faith and any job she takes on seriously, she's quite reserved due to just wanting to get tasks done. She's very blunt about a lot about herself, trying to make people know that she can be a danger at any moment while not having control of that part of herself.

Incredibly insecure of the fact she is a lycanthrope since it is the main danger in her life despite coming from homelesses. While not purposefully hottempered, in phases before a shift it's noticable and she tries to keep it hidden.

She can crack under a lot of peer pressure for just forgetting to do a task or two or having the lycan come out. Type of person too wait till they're alone in their own room or private space before breaking down. She puts on one hell of a face though despite the shit she puts up with on a daily basis.

While reserved she does have a soft spot for long work buddies, considering them older sibling figures (as of now in the campaign thats still on going o.o). She's able to show clear trust within them especially considering her "curse". Having the ability to be weak even around a few select people just gives her a posivite sight to look on her case.


Books/Religious Texts

Likes to keep up with or educate themselves on other communities due to living in the same environment for a long time.

Personal/Private Space

Either a space to be weak in or just somewhere to lock themselves away because of the lycanthropy. Safeguard

Journal Keeping

Not having the best records of their lycanthropy, it helps to keep tabs on how it changes. Keeps track on behavior changes as well.

Large Clothing

Lycanthropy shreds through clothing, having multiple layers of large clothing just makes them feel comfortable while in either.



Fear of theirs due to the mainly supersticous nature of their lycanthropy.

Loud Noises

Enhanced hearing does things to a person. Just can get overstimmed easily.

"Pet" Treatment

Just hates getting teased for being a lycan. gets on their nerves easy.

Tight Fitting Clothes

While not being opposed to them just knows they're probably going to get ruined rather quickly.



Taking on the yellow-ish orange of her eyes it can either trigger her lycanthropy or be able to controll it more. While still being new to using it she doesn't know how she wants to use it.


She's almost died on multiple occasions just for people knowing about it. While it is random of when it comes out at times its been shown in true genuine states of anger it pops out momentarily. Suspected to work underneath what little wild magic is left in the world it is still incredibly physical and painful. Not fully in control but it's gotten to the point she can comprehend some thoughts, acting younger in age probably due to the fact it is a scared dog.

Purple Flame

It is unknown, and it is preferred if it stayed unknown. Possibly a possession.

Large Dog

She doesn't want to see it again, being a form of pure anger out of her at least in thoughts. While being linked directly with the purple flame that she is being possesed by at this point. Does not remember much while in this form but when she does she's horrified at the thing she fears the most in herself.





Growing up in the Hellish Fallyn compared to the rest of the world she was very closed off. Tieflings being nomadic people she was never in the same spot for long periods of time however growing close with her community especially her faith.

All of this eventually crashing down on her however. While being sick for a majority of the day there was a ceremony. During this she experianced her first episode of lycanthropy. She quickly reverted however the towns people were already onto her, pitchforks and flames. Almost getting killed and thrown back into a crowd multiple times getting poked where there are still puncture scars in her back.

She ran away as her only choice. Wishing to return knowing that she'd probably be killed.

Previous Work







Party Member

While annoyed with them a majoity of the time, they find comfort in their company due to just being around them that long. While they bully each other a lot they're basically siblings.



Party Member

Coming from similar backgrounds to an extent she finds respect for this cleric. While she gets flirty with everyone they try to make allies with (which pisses Rory off) she takes the time to understand.



