Key Items



1 month, 14 days ago


Mary's Bell

Wondrous Item, Uncommon, Undetachable

A golden bell the size of a cherry that rings quiet but clear, the loop at the top attached to Absit's keyring via magic. The sphere in the center is a bright silver. A physical link to Absit's promise to Mary. It will not detatch under any force.

Prior to slumber, ringing this bell will send Absit to the Dreamscape, and a peaceful night's rest far away from nightmares or reality.

This item can be used as a focus for spellcasting when the keyring is held, attached by the belt, etc, and does not require attunement.

Fable Key

Wondrous Item, Common, Attachable

A thin silver-ish 'key' akin to a spear, a few divets and chips on the point of the 'blade'. The head of the blade shaped like a diamond. A single hole 'loop' at the handle. A few scuffs and scratches mark the metal from age and use, but is otherwise in good condition. The specific metal it is made out of is unknown, but it feels light.

These keys, one returned to their assidned Fable, are used to unlock the old belongings of the previous iterations of their respective Fable, across ALL the levels of Purgatory.

Whinfrey alluded they have another use, but that use has yet to be revealed. Maybe it has something to do with the Fables' previous incarnations...?

Name 3

Quote or tag line.

Description of item. Suspendisse mi diam, blandit sit amet pretium at, ullamcorper in sapien. Etiam vitae metus bibendum, blandit massa sit amet, venenatis nibh. Donec luctus congue varius. Phasellus volutpat venenatis convallis. Ut sit amet lorem quis massa dignissim congue. Quisque fermentum nisl sed tincidunt malesuada. Ut tincidunt quam et tincidunt auctor. Donec sit amet mollis orci. Sed ullamcorper euismod mi facilisis lobortis. Pellentesque tempor odio ac egestas tincidunt.

Name 4

Quote or tag line.

Description of item. Suspendisse mi diam, blandit sit amet pretium at, ullamcorper in sapien. Etiam vitae metus bibendum, blandit massa sit amet, venenatis nibh. Donec luctus congue varius. Phasellus volutpat venenatis convallis. Ut sit amet lorem quis massa dignissim congue. Quisque fermentum nisl sed tincidunt malesuada. Ut tincidunt quam et tincidunt auctor. Donec sit amet mollis orci. Sed ullamcorper euismod mi facilisis lobortis. Pellentesque tempor odio ac egestas tincidunt.

Name 5

Quote or tag line.

Description of item. Suspendisse mi diam, blandit sit amet pretium at, ullamcorper in sapien. Etiam vitae metus bibendum, blandit massa sit amet, venenatis nibh. Donec luctus congue varius. Phasellus volutpat venenatis convallis. Ut sit amet lorem quis massa dignissim congue. Quisque fermentum nisl sed tincidunt malesuada. Ut tincidunt quam et tincidunt auctor. Donec sit amet mollis orci. Sed ullamcorper euismod mi facilisis lobortis. Pellentesque tempor odio ac egestas tincidunt.