


2 months, 21 days ago


In-training: Noimon

An in-training level digimon who loves naps! With plenty of care, and a little energy, it will digivolve.

Rookie: Slumbermon

Slumbermon is a fairy type digimon, with a round belly and cute little paws! They use their wiry long tail to grab things, and the glowing orb at the end of their hat now can play full musical lullabies all the while glowing like a soothing nightlight to ease insomnia and lure others into a nice and restful sleep!  Slumbermon’s main attack is ‘Night Light!’ In which a beam of light shoots out from the star on its belly! The secondary attack, and the one it uses more often is ‘Sweet dreams!’ This is a combination of dust from its wings, and alluring soft light and gentle lullabies from its hat orb to immediately put others to sleep!  Slumbermon is mostly chill, but has a mischievous streak! This is due to the fact they are a virus type! There’s a lot of potential that lays ‘sleeping’ in this lil guy….