


1 month, 28 days ago


A seemingly cheerful, hyper and carefree young woman. Her hand-made sweets and especially her cookies are just as sweet as her bright smile and mixed together with the optimistic outlook of hers she is guaranteed to make your day! She owns a cookie shop, casually wandering around with it and moving in and out in what feels like a matter of seconds. Apart from her nameless cow and a pet rock, she has no other remarkable social connections or friends. She truly lives a peaceful and happy life with no heavy burden to carry or any time-and-space-related secrets at all… right?

Behind her cookie shop owner job, she is a Time Traveler working for the Time Society. Her life in there isn’t so great… seen as an outcast and troublemaker and ignored by everyone. Despite that, no one can deny the power she holds - one of the most powerful abilities to have as she is able to travel through past and future and is able to manipulate the present to her liking. But all that doesn’t matter to her, the bright smile of hers never disappears! Never… never… never ever…