✧ Yukki Kiss




Yukki Kiss is a Black-headed seagull of cunning intellect and a heart tainted by the shadows of deceit. Born amidst the craggy cliffs and tempestuous seas, Yukki's wings carried him far and wide, his eyes ever vigilant for opportunities that promised wealth and power. From a young age, he had always been a rebel at heart, and his family often told him that he was trouble. He never quite fit in with his flock. And once he got older, he decided to follow his own path. His rebellious nature only grew stronger. However, Yukki's ambitions knew no bounds. With wings as white as sea foam and eyes as sharp as a falcon's, he sought to expand his reach beyond the shores. Yukki honed his skills as a ranger, mastering the art of survival and stealth. But unlike his brethren who upheld principles of honor and righteousness, Yukki embraced a different creed—one that served his own interests above all else. He would steal for his own gain, but he would also help others when it suited him. For a short while, Yukki worked with one of the most known pirate crew in the area. Despite the bond they shared and the adventures they embarked upon together, Yukki's ambitions extended far beyond mere companionship. He harbored a deep-seated desire for wealth and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals. As a skilled thief, he knew that there were fortunes to be made and treasures to be plundered in the world beyond, and he refused to let anything – or anyone – stand in his way. With his keen senses and mastery of the art of stealth, Yukki embarked on a series of daring heists, amassing a small fortune in ill-gotten gains along the way. He revealed in the thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of outsmarting his adversaries, knowing that each successful theft brought him one step closer to his ultimate goal of wealth and power. Though he may have left his group behind, Yukki's adventures were far from over. As he looked out upon the horizon, Yukki knew that the world was his for the taking – all he had to do was reach out and seize it.