

Mnemosyne “Syne” Magnimoria - They/she - Early 20s

Syne has always been fascinated by the past. They believe that pretty much everyone and everything deserves to be remembered in one way or another, and they do what they can to help preserve memories and artifacts of the past. They have a particular interest in humans and their culture, and they like to collect relics from the human era.

After graduating from college with an MBA, Syne opened up their own store in Splatsville called Anemonesis. It’s a thrift store that specializes in fixing up old discarded items and giving them new life. The store is quite popular among those who enjoy all things retro, especially fashion.

Initially, they were the sole employee of the store. Later on, they decided that an extra set of hands around the store would be helpful, and ended up hiring a young octoling named Elowyn. They also sort of unofficially hired Elowyn’s friend, Zest, who often hangs around the store and sells/gives her any human relics or particularly interesting pieces of junk that they come across while scavenging.

For the most part, Syne just kind of chills and focuses on running their store. Although, every now and then, they end up getting dragged into Zest and Elowyn’s little adventures. She doesn’t really mind though, as it keeps things interesting.

Syne is a very cool, calm and laid back individual who likes to go with the flow. They’re able to keep a level-head in practically any situation, and they often act as a voice of reason for others. While they’re relatively peaceful most of the time, they don’t take crap from anyone, and will not hesitate to stick up for themself or others if needed.