


2 months, 16 days ago


Variant: Ember

Mutations: UC feathers, L permagore & L glow insides


Waogh lore or something;

Lovingly named Cyanide and nicknamed Cyana. Something of a necromancer, or a cleric, or a witch. Maybe none of those, maybe she’s a reaper. Her patron and source of magic is her weird cat, Arsenic. Whether she’s channeling her intent through the cat to do magic, or the cat is channeling its own magic through her is unknown. 

Upon losing an arm, she collected her arm bones, and kind of just arranged them as if they were still attached to her body. And it worked, somehow. When asked, her only responses were ‘why not?’ And ‘I wanted my bones back. They are mine.’


Arsenic was Cyana’s friend, an animus. He had a tendency to be loud and somewhat abrasive, so it wasn’t that big of a surprise when he ended up getting cursed by another animus. Over the course of a few days he turned into a cat, slowly losing his mind to the curse. Upon the transformation being completed, Arsenic was little more than an average cat… excluding three key details. 

-Arsenic’s life was bound to Cyanide’s, including partial immortality. Age could not kill either of them, and so long as Arsenic lived, Cyanide would always come back to life.

-Arsenic still had his magic, even if he couldn’t use it himself. Cyanide can sort of use his magic for spells.

-The crystalline spines growing out of his back. They are venomous.

regardless of these facts, all Arsenic knows now is that Cyanide is comfort, safety, and friendship, and that he is living his best kitty life with her.