~ Cosmos ~



2 months, 17 days ago


Cosmos Fictus
Nickname : Cos, Firecracker, Bell

Age : 24

Birthday : Unknown

Pronouns : She/They

Orientation : Polyamorous; Prefers Men

Race : Half-Elf (Wood)


Part I

Part II

Language/s : Common, Elvish, Infernal

Occupation : Pyrotechnic & "Thief"

Background : Charlatan or Guild Artisan

Alignment : Chaotic Neutral

Now playing . . . . Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz, Yachtmoney


[STR:16] [DEX:20] [CON:14] [INT:12] [WIS:14] [CHA:15]

Positive traits

  • Fun
  • Loyal
  • Creative

Neutral traits

  • Straightforward
  • Obsessed with Sandwiches
  • Sarcastic

Negative traits

  • Pyromaniac
  • Aggressive
  • Generally Destructive







Trivia :
  • Before Cosmos turned 20, she used to be a dancer since she was 12, specilizing in a magic light whip.
  • When she still lived in Baldur's Gate, she found an alleycat she took in and named Bean for his toe beans and because he smelled like beans.
  • Even after the experience with her mom, Cosmos continued to tweak and perfect her color bomb as a memorial to her mom.
Likes :
  • Sandwiches and Food in General
  • Explosives
  • Bright Colors
Dislikes :
  • Oatmeal
  • People
  • Force

Mannerisms :
  • Will pull you down to her level to get in your face if you offend her or say/do something stupid.
  • Talks with her hands 97% of the time.
  • Crosses arms/props them on her hips when being sarcastic with someone or questioning their choices; raises her eyebrow often alongside it.
Tad-bits :
Skills : Picking Locks, Making Explosives

Weaknesses : Hold Person, Criticism

Hobbies : Drawing, Making Fireworks, Dancing

Family Situation : Kinda the worst.

Religious Beliefs : No.

Insight :
— How do they feel about themselves?

That is a complicated question that I don't know if I can answer in this amount of space.

— What is the first thing people notice about them?

The first thing people often notice about her is her bright aqua hair, then the smoke tattoos that run across her entire body. Her whole appearance and personality are explosive, so there isn't much people don't notice when they first see her.

— Do they own anything sentimental they could never get rid of?

She owns a small pendant that her mom gave her before she died. It was a magical pendant commissioned from a wizard that when activated would project a memory into Cosmos' mind. The memory was when Cosmos made her first firecracker; the two of them laughing and smiling and enjoying life together.

Handwriting :


Height : 5'1-2" (154 cm)

Weight : 118 lbs.

Build : Tiny, Muscular, Will fuck you up

Scars / Tattoos :
  • Has a smoke trail tattoo that runs across her body. However, her left arm is engulfed in a flame tattoo that goes up to her shoulder blade, as well as the star tattoo and swirls around her eyes and forehead.
  • Around her entire body are various cuts and scars from when she lived with her father. The main scar people often see is the one across her nose that she accidentally gave herself after one of her first transformations.
  • On the back of her neck hidden by her hair, is the scared carving of a fox mask that looks like it had been seared into her skin.
Notable details :
  • Her casual clothing never consists of anything overly "covering"; she likes sheer tops that don't have a lot of sleeves because she feels like she can move better. More of a comfort person than a 'look pretty on purpose' person.
  • She has curse enduced heterochromia, making her left eye yellow and her right eye orange.
  • Most often than not she has at least a little bit of blood on her. Whether it be dried under the nails, soaking part of her hair, or stained across her armor, she always has at least a little bit of blood on her.
Hair style : Curly/Fluffy Half-up half-down

Hair colour : Aqua/Teal

Eye colour : Yellow, Orange

Skin colour : Neutral/Sepia

Demeanor : Confident/Confrontational

Design notes :
  • Likes to wear bright pops of color through her makeup, whether it be eyeshadow or graphic liner (she doesn't care what other people think)
  • Has an eyebrow piercing that she spontaneously decided to get; there is no reason behind it


Before the Nautiloid
Born For Chaos

Part I

Growing Up

Orphan Part I

Orphan Part II

Built for Better

Omg, Phebis, how'd you get here?
I thought you were dead.

Fictus Fireworks

Oh boy, she knows how to make bombs now...


Ooh, THAT'S what you meant by curse... I thought you meant something else.


Astarion Ancunín


When they fist met, Cosmos and Astarion didn't like each other, they hated that the other wanted to be in each other's business and know each other's secrets. Astarion had convinced Cosmos to have some "fun" through occasional rendevous, but even then, they only tolderated each other throughout the journey. However, as their journey continued, they slowly began to realize they had more in common than they first thought and Astarion could relate to the pains Cosmos was facing with her curse. It was through this that they started getting closer and Astarion began to help Cosmos through her curse and bloodlust. Eventually they realized they had deeper feelings than just a mututal connection over their backgrounds, though both would deny it for a while. That was until Cosmos finally pulled him aside and confessed her feelings to him, being surprised when he felt the same, and they've been helping each other through the rest. The good, the bad, and the dark.


Halsin Silverbough


He helps her stay calm when she's beginning to have another episode from the curse. Helps her stay grounded when she's close to losing herself, alongside Astarion.




"We bug the fuck out of each other and I swear I need to keep that man on a leash, but I also bug the fuck outta him by threatening to blow things up if he doesn't follow. But he's also pretty loyal and calm all things considered, just gets himself in some of the WORST situations."
