Masae Milas



2 months, 30 days ago


Masae Milas

HEIGHT 151cm
SEXUALITY Demisexual
BIRTHDAY November 11
SPECIALTY Greek Cuisine


Masae is dedicated to her craft, always looking for alternatives for her recipes or finding new things that can further improve on her dishes. She is usually seen as a kind-hearted individual who can be passionate about her interests, but also she's easily shaken up if people look downplay her goals. Despite this, she has a friendly nature to about everyone, or if not, she tries her best to remain civilized.

She is very proud of her family history, taking it very seriously and wanting other people to experience her family's restaurant at least once in their life to know where she's coming from. Because of this, people can sometimes find her handing out flyers of the restaurant. She specializes in Greek cuisine but also in vegan foods. She continuously hones her skills so she can say in confidence one day that she deserves to be the head chef of her family's restaurant. When it comes to comparison, she usually only compares herself to her father who she looks up to and she's anxious if she'll ever tie up to him.




Masae lived in Greece during her younger years but moved to Japan when she was 7, including her two older cousins. She took an interest in cooking ever since she was young because of her father owning a restaurant and she ended up looking up to her father and she wanted to surpass him one day so she can own the restaurant. She gained several friends when she was younger, but this changes when she transfers in middle school. She gained a friend during this time who she shared techniques to, and they took advantage of her kindness and knowledge by stealing her cooking style and recipes and claiming it as their own. She gained anxiety after that and began wondering if she was a good chef because her skills were copied by someone in an instant.

She started keeping things to herself more and became more closed up as her lack of confidence heavily affected her life. Things take a turn when one of her aquaintances, Kaoru Atitarn, decides to make a deal with her friend that if they won, he'd do them a favor and if he won, they'd stop claiming her recipes as yheir own. Once it was done, Masae still was anxious over her skills, but continued to look on how to further improve her recipes each time she cooks it will not be fully copied again.

Entering Totsuki

She entered Totsuki together with Kaoru when they started their high school years and they were one of the few ones that passed. Because of the recommendation of her mother, she ended up living in a dorm that is nearby the school called "Soaring Land Dormitory" and she was accepted by the owner as long as she and Kaoru can cook at their given schedules. It was hard for her at first to get accustomed to being in Totsuki because of how different and competetive the environment is, but she ends up proving that she deseved to be a student there by continuously honing her skills and proving that she deserved a spot in the school.

There were moments where she was belittled or underestimated because of her rather soft nature, especially when she gave flyers to her restaurant and people would state they haven't heard it before. But as months passed by, people realized how capable she is, especially because she was a part of Autumn Elections, and one of students who passed the Preliminary Round and even got within the top 20 of their generation. Her life in Totsuki got smoother after that, but there was still a competetive nature that lit up in her after the Moon Banquet Festival.

Second Year

In second year, she was now used to her current life and she was highly interested in getting to know new people, especially if they entered Totsuki. When it was revealed Soma was the only new student, she actually wanted to befriend him as soon as she can but was taken aback by the crowd. She decides to meet him another time instead. She's first seen visiting the Polar Star Dorm and more is known about her in the Moon Banquet Festival when Soma setted up his restaurant.



Kuga Terunori [ boyfriend ]

They didn't have the best first meeting because of his rude comments about her and the restaurant flyers she was giving away, but they ended up getting closer after she gained his respect after a few classes of cooking together as classmates, even making a deal with her when she finally meets her goal. After talking during the Breakfast Buffet Challenge, they end up accepting they were friends and grew close. He frequently visited her in the dorm and she realized she had feelings for him when they were second year but kept it until the end of it. By third year, they become lovers.


Kaoru Atitarn [ Best Friend ]

Kaoru and her first became acquaintances during middle school because of having a common friend. Even if he wasn't that friendly at first, he warmed up to her eventually after knowing more about her and how kind and dedicated she is. After the incident in middle school, they become even closer and they ended up bonding a lot, with him even going to her family restaurant. They become best friends and do almost everything together, while she helps him warm up again, he helps her become more confident in her skills again. Currently, they're cooking partners in Totsuki, and also classmates. They tend to try new recipes a lot together.

Name [ relationship ]

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