Damien "Gibbs" Gibson



3 months, 4 days ago


damien "gibbs" gibson. thirty-five. butch lesbian — he/she. 5'9. german shepherd x boxer x belgian shepherd mix. a lackey to some bastard. car thief & bank robber. has been in The Life so long he doesn't actually know how to get out of it but he also doesn't know how to accept that he'll never leave, either—he fears total complacency would seal his fate. scars are mostly from him getting in over his head with who he picks fights with. heavy smoker, says he's been trying to quit for the last five years. his best friend is his grandpa. intentionally deepens her voice in a very terrible way so it's starting to get rough, struggles with vocal strain. has to shave often or else her neck/chest fur grows absurdly fluffy. is actually a very kind individual but tends to posture often. worst texter ever. has an irrational fear of cats. tends to help maude when she needs someone to do dirty work for one of her cases. doggishly devoted by nature.