"The Forlorn"



6 months, 2 days ago



Azaria Catan
The Forlorn
Agender (they/them)
6'6" (198 cm)
House of Lyrical Enchantment
Sari, The Princess of Passion

ong ago, far before the Great War, it was said that The Forlorn had walked the realm as a simple mortal, with a simple life. While it’s unknown what had happened, after the war, everything changed; for the past two centuries The Forlorn has plagued Bion’s lands as a malevolent spirit, not only draining the vibrancy of the land itself, but the vibrancy of the people living in it.

Those native to Bion know to tread cautiously at night to try only not to encounter them, but to not receive the Mark of The Forlorn. This mark, which commonly will appear as a small, strange heart at the nape of the neck, is known to be imbued with powerful enchantment magic to weaponize a person’s emotions from the inside out. It’s well known those who have been marked can easily become violent, especially with their loved ones, due to the overwhelming despair and hopelessness, but it’s also been observed the mark can be “active” or “inactive”, depending on The Forlorn’s control. It’s difficult to study the mark, however, because not only can it be hard to tell who’s marked and who’s not, the marked seemed to be very good at concealing their status when in the “inactive” state.


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Regions Known: Themba (homeland), Bion (calamity)

Type of Magic: Enchantment

Theme song: Kanaria - MIRA

  • They have a very alluring voice, it's scarily easily to fall into a trance while listening to them speak.
  • On the same token, it's said to be dangerous to look into their eyes for too long, as a similar trance can happen.
  • Their magic is known to be horribly addicting.

I. Personality


ot many people are brave enough to get in close contact with The Forlorn, and for good reason. Those who are said to stay too close for too long are said to leave the interaction as a different person than the one who walked into it; as such, many times when The Forlorn actually shows their face around Bion’s towns, those who are around typically try to get out of the way as fast as they can.

Surprisingly, for such a feared spirit, their personality can be described as… almost pathetic? Their demeanor always seems heavy, despondent and full of despair. They speak with a quiet voice, always trailing off and sighing after their words, and it seems like they’re completely empty on the inside. Even when insulted, attacked or attacking, they never seem to raise their voice or get angry, it’s always the same state of strange depression, as if they are the personification of heartbreak.

II. History

History currently locked.

III. Relationships

KisaAngel of Divination


Truth be told, The Forlorn finds Kisa very bothersome. However, she's at least a little useful, so there's that.