


1 month, 21 days ago


The Dictionnaire Infernal states that to summon Beleth, the person should hold a silver ring on the middle finger of the left hand against their face, to pay respect to Beleth's rank as king.

Beleth is a grymalkin, a high-ranking demon known for their skillful deal-brokering and their mastery over magic. Skilled, experienced mages often attempt to make deals with grymalkin in order to enhance their magical ability. They are sly and mischievous by nature, often difficult to command or keep track of. Those who fail to bind or barter with a grymalkin they've summoned often fall victim to punishment from the demon, usually in the form of curses or hexes. Grymalkin are fond of turning their victims into legion-ranked demons such as imps or hellhounds, vesting them of their souls in the process. 

Beleth himself is no exception to the stereotypes, though he's reasonably easy to get along with so long as you pay him the proper respects. He's a hedonist first and foremost, driven primarily by the desire to surround himself with things he enjoys. Food, pets, music, company... he lives to indulge. He is especially fond of mounts, and spends plenty of time lounging on his larger pets. 

He's a talented shapeshifter, like many of his kind, and uses this to his full advantage. He often masquerades as a concubus, or a human. In some instances, he even takes the forms of lesser-minded beasts like slatzja (a kind of flighted mount demon). Few earthly beasts enamour him as much as lesser demons, but he does have a soft spot for horses and cats. 

He is enamoured with knights and the arts of chivalric warfare, and is disappointed with the way war has advanced in modern times. He does appreciate some modern amenities, but is overall unenthused with modern aesthetics-- with the exception of some certain alternative fashion scenes and the advancement of music. He LOVES modern music.