Jessalyn Everthorn



2 months, 28 days ago


Adopt I got from NaughtykittyDV-1992

Name: Jessalynn Everthorn

Age: 21 y/o

Height: 5'2"{Regular Height} 5'4" or 5'5"{In 2" or 3" heels}

Date of Birth: 09/27

Occupation: Practicing Bartender, Part-time Waitress, Security/Bodyguard, and Freelance Exorcist/Medium, Fashion Designer, Hair Stylist, and Makeup artist

Species: Witch


Jessalynn’s a sweet, friendly, and hardworking person who’s also a bit mysterious to those around her, however, if you decide to mess with her/get on her bad side, she’ll make you regret it for the rest of your life. When dealing with entitled, non-compliant, disruptive, or drunk customers causing the other customers experience to be uncomfortable, she’ll first politely ask them to leave, but if they refuse to leave, she’ll then warn them that if they don’t leave, she’ll have to resort to “extreme measures”, but if they still refuse to comply, she’ll ask her ghost lion familiar, Leo to “kindly show the customer(s) the exit”. She’s also the type who isn’t afraid to do a verbal beatdown to someone if needed, especially with the intention of shattering ones fragile ego



~Drink mixing/making

~Hanging out with friends and family

~Helping lost souls move on

~Karaoke night


~Shellfish dishes

~Designing Clothes

~Styling Hair

~Bloody Mary Cocktails

~Fruit flavored drinks

~Giving fashion/cosmetic tips/advice


~The Paranormal

~Mystery, horror, thriller, dark fantasy, and dark romance novels or movies

~Rock, metal, and gothic pop songs


~Playing the electric guitar

~Riding her scooter


~Rainy weather{Especially thunderstorms} 


~Going for a stroll


~Drunk, Disrespectful, Rude, Aggressive, and Entitled customers

~Perverted men



~Bitter/Tasteless foods

~Heatwave level temperatures

~IP{Intellectual Property} theft

~Design block


~Her family and friends in harm's way

~Abuse of power

~Strep throat




~Skilled at using dark/demonic magic

~A protective barrier against possessive/brainwashing magic

~Drink Mixing

~Alcohol Tolerance{She doesn’t get drunk easily}

~Skilled at knife throwing

~Has a pretty flexible vocal range for singing

~Can rap at a fast pace


~Skilled in combat


~Using too much dark/demonic magic: Even though she’s a witch, she has her limits on using dark/demonic magic. Using it too much would result in her protective barrier weakening which would lead to a case of possession or cause her to gradually lose her sanity if she isn’t careful, so she has to remember to take breaks when using dark/demonic magic

~Peanuts/Tree Nuts: She’s allergic


~Drink mixing





~Looking after her younger brother and little sister

~Spending time with family or friends

~Hair styling

~Designing clothes

~Giving others fashion/cosmetic tips/advice

~Brushing Leo's mane

~Studying other languages and cuisine from around the world

~Riding her scooter

~Going for a stroll

~Playing the electric guitar

~Reading/watching mystery, horror, thriller, dark fantasy, and dark romance novels/movies




Amias Everthorn-Father 

Bethany Everthorn-Mother

Jaxton Everthorn-Older Brother{25}

Laurence Everthorn-Younger Brother{17}

Kimberly Everthorn-Little Sister{6}


Leo Everthorn-Her familiar

Voice Reference: Shiori Novella from Holoadvent:


~Her father’s a demon while her mother’s an ex-exorcist/witch. They started dating in secret due to a strict rule at the time that an exorcist can never have a relationship with a demon no matter how trustworthy they seem to be and was eventually fired once her relationship was discovered

~When Jessalyn decided to work as a freelance exorcist like her mother, she offered to get her her job back since times have changed, but her mother politely declined her after saying she’s happy with her current life and wants to focus on her family

~Her older brother, Jaxton and little sister, Kimberly have her fathers physical demonic traits while her and her younger brother Laurence on the other hand have their dad’s ability to use dark/demonic magic

~She has a dream of starting her own designer studio and is working multiple part-time jobs and side gigs as a way to save up money to open a location

~She loves shrimp dishes

~She currently lives in an apartment near the beach a couple of miles away from where her family lives

~Her familiar Leo has the ability to change from his wisp form into a fully grown lion. He mostly uses this ability to protect those dear to Jessalyn or aid her in escorting unwanted customers off the premises. Due to this ability, she and Leo were able to land a hostess/security position at the restaurant she works at in case there are any unwanted customers that won’t leave the premises with the threat of the police being called{And yes… She does have a license that allows her to use her familiar for protection in case something happens =w=}

~Leo also has the ability to change his physical form from a full grown adult lion to a lion cub for when he wants to be picked up or cuddled as well as when he’s feeling playful{Has a strong aura, but is also a kitten at heart X3}