Gao Lǎohǔ 高老虎



1 month, 16 days ago



Name:Gao Lǎohǔ 高老虎
SpeciesMystic Monkey+Tiger
Voiceidk yet
Gao Lǎohǔ

A retired warrior that protected Asia from mystic threats for over 5,000 years. He has since retired.

In his youth, Gao was smug and cocky. He was a powerful being who beat down any opponents with ease. However, after thousands of years, he got bored of constantly having to solve every problem. So now, he is laid back and chill, spending much of his day basking in the sun while eating jerky.

  • Jerky of all kinds
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  • Prehensile Tail
  • Thin in his youth. Weight added with age
  • Hoodie is his retirement outfit
  • Quite tall due to tiger genes. 6'5'' (183 cm)

Around 6,104 BCE, there was an adolescent boy who had been getting harassed by all sorts of things. He would get tossed around by those in his group, animals had attacked him, and even plants had done their fair share. It seemed like every year he had lived, and would live, he would just be a clumsy punching bag for the world.

One day, a powerful typhoon had ravaged the land. Luckily, his group had made it out unharmed. All except the little boy. He had slipped into the waters and almost drowned. After coming face to face with death, he finally decided that he was going to find something that would make sure he could never be harmed again. The boy began to sneak away and search for anything that could grant him strength.

At the same time, a chunk that had eroded off a mystical rock had began to make its way down the mountain. Due to the herds of animals seeking higher ground, the rain, and the winds; this chunk of rock ended up floating down moutain streams. Then, it ended up in a stream near that little boy.

The boy noticed engravings in the stone, and it seemed to have a permanent warmness to it. He could feel energy flowing out of it. He then knew that he had found his source of power. Unsure of how to get the power out, he began to pray. He asked for it to give him the strength of a tiger so that he could finally be safe. The boy held the stone in his hand and began to make it back to his group. As he ran back, he tripped on a root and the stone flung into a nearby tree. Due to the force of the impact, the build-up of energy inside the stone released.

The energy that had formed mystic monkies in the past, had formed a different, but similar creature. It was certainly part monkey, however it had a tiger element to it. As the energy scrambled to form a vessel to contain it, elements from its enviornment had left an impression on its form. Thus, creating a monkey with two paws and an odd palette.

The boy was stunned by this development. He had created what looked like a demon with his very own hands. Unluckily, it was currently an infant due to it being formed by only a fraction of the proper rock. But still, if he created it, it would obey him. It could save him.

Later that day he had found himself harassed by other members of his group. They wanted some of his food. Instead of cowering to avoid conflict as always, he stood up for himself. He shoved the other members and claimed that he would defeat them with ease, given his newfound power. Uncovering his hidden creature, he commanded it to attack. Obviously, being a baby, it did not attack. However, it put fear into his harassers and they yelled for others.

When others came, they stared at this demonic creature in horror. They had never seen anything like it. It looked like the mixture of a human and an animal. The boy, seeing their hesitance, took the oppertunity and claimed that he had control over the creature. That this powerful beast would harm them if they got near him. How it was able to kill an elephant with one swipe. Hearing this, some people in the crowd launched onto the boy and the creature and pinned them down. Once they had knocked both unconcious, they threw them into the flood waters.

The creature woke up on shore, having been fished out of the water by a troop of monkeys who regocnized the infant as one of their own. From then on, the beast has now belonged to a family of monkeys.

Early Life

Aenean eget ante vel velit faucibus malesuada in sit amet leo. Sed nisl leo, malesuada sit amet porttitor quis, consequat quis dui. Curabitur sit amet erat nibh. Vestibulum laoreet pharetra nibh ac fringilla. Donec ex nunc, hendrerit et iaculis vel, sodales eu justo. Maecenas vulputate id turpis eget efficitur. Mauris quis turpis non sapien fringilla placerat. Vivamus sagittis faucibus fringilla. Donec non lobortis risus.

Vivamus ac purus nec diam pretium bibendum et at sem. Integer volutpat rutrum magna, sed tempor dui auctor eget. Nulla vulputate mauris sit amet imperdiet viverra. Integer id augue dictum, rhoncus augue at, euismod elit. Duis nulla lectus, tristique nec mauris sit amet, imperdiet sagittis felis. Phasellus tincidunt justo magna, eget dignissim arcu congue non. Proin et suscipit ante. Vivamus vitae bibendum tortor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla commodo pulvinar augue sit amet aliquet. Mauris semper facilisis hendrerit. Suspendisse vel quam ut nulla dignissim mattis. Sed nec ipsum enim. Nulla iaculis id eros non consequat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus gravida fringilla. Duis scelerisque erat ex, vitae ornare arcu condimentum in. Vivamus vel maximus enim. Cras quis euismod massa, ac placerat leo. Duis condimentum ut ligula eget consequat. Aliquam justo arcu, sollicitudin euismod gravida ut, venenatis ut risus. Vivamus sagittis viverra pellentesque. Sed dignissim erat in velit congue laoreet. In viverra est est, sed commodo purus pellentesque id. Praesent sollicitudin interdum facilisis. In eget posuere sem, sed sagittis ex. Praesent scelerisque urna sed elit elementum lacinia.

[ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus gravida fringilla. Duis scelerisque erat ex, vitae ornare arcu condimentum in. Vivamus vel maximus enim.

[ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus gravida fringilla. Duis scelerisque erat ex, vitae ornare arcu condimentum in. Vivamus vel maximus enim.

[ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus gravida fringilla. Duis scelerisque erat ex, vitae ornare arcu condimentum in. Vivamus vel maximus enim.
