


3 months, 3 days ago



Orou is often described as a incredibly fierce and deeply loyal female wolf. She is quite agile, and has a very unique fighting style. Because of her water-nature and her fighting style, she will often spend her time living near a body of water. She will use the water speed and lunge out of the water to deal powerful bites and cuts before diving back down into the water. She is a protective and loyal wolf, and a formiddable opponent. She has a habit of getting stubbornly angry and scold her pups if they do something wrong or reckless, and likewise get angry at others if they insult or wrong her family. She grew up in a pack of Water wolves, where she eventually was chosen to become their leader. While she initically declined, she will often offer support and council for the pack leader, but it was not a position she desired.
When she was 20, she met her mate and together with him she had two litters. She had two pups in the first, and then with her second litter complications arose and only one survived, who grew up being very small. All of her pups were Pure Hybrids. Even when she was nursing her pups, she was known to still go out and hunt and defend her territory even when she had young pups at home.

Her reputation eventually did preceed her, and she became known to other packs as a danger and a menace and her pack and her family was targetted. During a regular patrol where Orou was out hunting, wolves from a neighboring pack attacked her home and kidnapped all three of her pups to hold them as hostages to get Orou to turn herself in.
When Orou returned and discovered what had happened she was in enraged. Together, she and her mate set out with a small party without properly planning to get their pups back. What followed was a masscre and a bloodbath. Orou didn't hold back, and would kill any enemy she would land her eyes on. This resulted in a bloodbath from both sides, ending up in the result of several of her own pack members getting killed. When she finally reached the wolves holding her pups hostage. In the confusion and disarray, the middle child tried to sneak out with the smallest pup to get to safety, but in a freak accident, he was injured and then shortly after he died. Orou lost control, and would kill all the captors in the area to save her two remaining pups. The oldest was knocked unconcious before she got there, but her youngest pup witnessed his mother's rage and saw the bloodbath caused by his parents. At the end, Orou managed to get her two remaining pups to safety, but the cost was great. She and her mate decided to leave their pack and territory, and now travels alone.
While Orou now suffers from guilt and rage, her youngest pup too suffers from survival guilt as he believes his older brother should have survived and he should have died in the attack instead.

Physical Description

Symbolized - Yes (rare symbols)
Marked - Yes
Mutated - Yes


Element - Water
Inherited Ability - Absorb & Electric Immunity

Oroue is an AzureHowl Reborn fan character. Species, bases and lore belongs to Shilach

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