


5 years, 9 months ago


 Name: Avox
Gender:  Male
Age: 70 (around 35 in human years)
Nest: Star Nest
Rank: Postal Carrier

Personality:                                                 Fiercely Independent | Hardworking | Sarcastic | Blunt | Angry |Overly Competitive

Ø Cayman [Older Brother]- Avox has always had a very bad relationship with his older brother. Ever since he was young, Cayman has done nothing but push him around and insult him left and right. And every time Avox threatened to tell someone, Cayman would call him a "baby" and a "snitch" and Avox would forego that idea and stay quiet instead (he usually vented at Sal though). Avox never understood why Cayman hated him, but he was always hurt by that- because, believe it or not, Avox did want Cayman to like him. He wanted to have an older brother he could rely on, someone who would look after him and protect him. After all, isn't that what older brothers are supposed to do? But Cayman was just mean to him. He never once said anything nice, he was just harsh words and steely glares. But it was never physical, Cayman never beat him up or anything until one day he did. It was quick, one second Avox was trying to get his attention and then next he was bleeding and the pain on his nose was unbearable. Avox doesn't remember exactly what happened but he remembers Cayman's face vividly and the look of pure horror and fear on it. He remembers the way Cayman flinched and recoiled when Avox whimpered when he tried to help him. After that, Cayman changed and with that so did their relationship. Avox was too scared to approach Cayman and Cayman kept his distance, always making sure he was as far away from him as possible. He didn't taunt him anymore either. Nowadays, they are trying to mend their relationship and Avox can feel the regret radiating from Cayman every time they meet. But his brother's apology and tears are genuine and Avox is just happy that his brother doesn't hate him and all up for mending their relationship. Although it will take time.  
                      ØBibi[Grandpa] - Bibi is a tough-loving sorta caeli and, although he does look extremely intimidating, Avox was always comforted by Bibi's presence rather than scared of it. Bibi was just always there, watching over him and his family and intervening when he thought was necessary and Avox has always admired him. When mama wasn't home and Avox wasn't busy playing with Salvador, he was always trailing after Bibi and asking him a billion of questions because Bibi seemed to always have an answer for everything. Bibi was the father figure that Avox never had. Nowadays, Avox is usually busy with work but he still stops buy for tea whenever he can.
Ø Salvador [Mate] - Avox met Salvador when they were both children and the first impression he had of the grey caeli was that he was rather odd. He talked weird and he said weird things which left Avox bewildered 24/7 (sometimes he would go home still mulling over something Sal had randomly said that day). But Sal was also genuinely good and nice to Avox and he was always there, waiting for Avox on their secret spot. And they always stayed friends throughout the years, the never stopped being friends even though they did have their fights and disagreements every now and then. They eventually moved in together which turned out to be really difficult for Avox due to the feelings he was developing for his friend - his friend who showed no interested in anything but stars and healing charms and rocks. It was after a really bad misunderstanding with tears and shouting involved that they fixed whatever was going on between them and started dating each other. And well, they've been together every since and now even have a daughter together. They still have some arguments here and there but at the end of the day, Sal is still the caeli Avox holds the most dear (second only to their daughter).
                     Ø Citatli [Daughter] - His little princess, honestly. Although Avox wasn't 100% about her at first (since he never felt like he would make a good father), he quickly found himself warming up to the baby caeli. He loves her with all his heart and he couldn't ask for a better daughter. She's witty and Avox always has a laugh with the things that will come out of her mouth. Avox would do anything for his daughter.
                    Ø Phaesto [Friend] - Phaesto was the co-worker that noticed the equipment at the forges needed replacing and also the one that, well, was ignored mostly. Avox wasn't really his friend before the whole thing honestly, they barely talked apart from the usual greetings. But after the accident that kinda changed; Phaesto started visiting Avox when he was recovering which at first annoyed him because he hated having caelis other than Sal see him in that state but he soon grew accustomed to it. They became friends from then one- not close or anything but they do go out for drinks every now and then just to talk about life. Although Avox is sure the reason Phaesto even started visiting was because he felt guilty about the accident somehow, the weirdo.
                    Ø  Ruppell [Frenemy] - Ruppell annoys the heck out of Avox. He will go out of his way to make Avox's job so much more exhausting than it has to be; sometimes Avox wants to kick his ass but he refrains because he's a professional and he will not start fights during work hours (his boss would have his head) but by the Stars does he want to sometimes. They're not friends, that'd be a stretch but.... but Avox would be lying if he said that Ruppell's unpromptu visits didn't liven up his day a little. The scrawny caeli is a funny lad, after all. Even though he's annoying as f*ck.
                    Ø  Prisha [Boss] - TBA


            Ø Common Standard Breed 

            Ø Common cervine ears

            Ø Common Tail 

            Ø Uncommon Hair Trait 

            Ø Common Avian Wings