Guide to Truths



2 months, 27 days ago


Summary - Truths - The Red Court of Knowing - Distortion of Mind

- Truths... are not standard Orthosians. Truths are born from Mortalkind but not in a traditional sense. 

- When Orthros picked The Knight of Truths, not even he knew what would happen by bestowing such powers upon them. 

- The Knight of Truths inherited knowledge of a madman and begin to ramble on that the world that even Orthros and The Unity controls is naught but fiction.  

- They said that many roads have yet to be made or taken into existence by a truer creator than even The Idle Star or The Red Crown. 

- Orthros was amused by this and didn't think much of it. 

- The Knight of Truths' existence causes strange beings to manifest from another universe entirely. 

- The beings do not have any cohesion... such as being shadows, or undead, or mimics, or beasts. At least not at first. 

- These beings upon closer inspection are reflections of Mortals that are deemed important by presumably some higher truer power. 

- A Mortal may find themselves confronted with a monstrous version of their inner thoughts or feelings, the monstrosity trying to shape the world in their true image. 

- The Truth in a 'Truth' is the naked dissection of a special Mortal... one who was thought about by some higher truer power. 

- But what decides who is special and who is not, what a truth is and what a truth isn't... is unknowable to all except those who look from the outside in... 

- ...They might even be looking now.