lavender's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

neigh Global Rules
will remake later. updated as of 11/04/23.

-- please don't sell/trade my characters to move them off-site, at least keep the page on toyhouse. i can only keep track of confirmed design credits here. i can give a toyhouse invite code to anyone who needs it!

-- once you own a design, do whatever you want with it. redesign, edit stuff, change species, etc. as long as you continue to credit me. you're free to credit yourself as a secondary designer if you think you made enough changes

-- on top of this, you are allowed to draw over/edit my art of the design a bit, but please make sure to put in the caption and/or credits that you have edited my art. please don't heavily draw over my art to the point it's unrecognizable. i'm personally uncomfortable with heavy body type edits like slimming down the character and i prefer you not edit my art for that and just get some new art! i may also be open to personally helping you edit the art/design, please message me! i also suggest keeping the original art in some way.

-- try not to sell designs that were traded to you, unless you have commissioned art/etc. of them. you are free to trade them as much as you want, though! i won't enforce this too hard. this is excluded for emergencies, sell them if you need.

-- comment on my page or message me if you need any help with credits, permissions, etc.