


2 months, 22 days ago


She/Her [ENG] Elle [FR]


Versailles has seen many things in her life. She has travelled all over Bellacoste and met many pouflons, vespires, ursukis and even elyvians ! She started travelling when she was young. She has the Metamorphosis curse and as a child, she was often sick and weak because of it. As soon as she could, she decided to travel across Bellacoste to learn more about the curse and what cause it.

During her travel, she met Sydney, a reseacher who studies affinities. They spent a few years together, eventually forming a relationship. They have since separated and despite not having romantic feelings anymore, they still are on good terms.

She also met Tian recently. She helped feam settle down and find a place where fea are confortable. Versailles often comes visit Tian to check on feam and share a meal together.Versailles is fun and loves adventures, but she settled down as she got older. After learning so much about the Metamorphosis curse, her goal is to help as many Bellacostian who has the same curse as her. Brouillard met her to talk about his sister’s curse and how to deal with it, and they kept contact so she can help them.


  She was born without her front left leg. Most Pouflon who are born that way do not need a prothesis, but since she was already weak, she asked for one

  She painted her wooden leg herself, and nowadays, Tian helps her to do touch-up

  Spoiler about the Metamorphosis curse

Her metamorphosis curse was caused by an interference of a zone with a strong Dreamweaver affinity on her parents' love spell.


- Tian : best friend

- Sydney : ex-girlfriend, still on good terms

- Brouillard : friend