


3 months, 13 days ago


Angel - Powers/Authorities (2nd Sphere)

The Powers are known as warrior angels. Ebru's primary duty is to supervise the movements of the heavenly bodies and ensure the cosmos remain in order. She also opposes the fallen angels, demonspawn, and other evil spirits of the world.

Literally, the 'fire of God'. Identified as the Angel of Judgment, Angel of Destruction.

5'4". Small, average build. Does not look particularly fragile nor strong. This is her most recognized form when on Earth, otherwise the presence of her Enochian form is so furiously enlightened that it wears out the damed/soulless for miles around her manifestation site.

Often described as fiery and pitiless.

She commands an army of harpies over 500 strong. They are said to be truculent and evil by nature. These harpies are full of trickery, they are always false in their dealing.

Ebru is more agile than she is physically strong. She isn't a fighter by first nature but a healer. Although her attacks through her gauntlets are extremely powerful, they drain her mana very fast. She needs to finish a fight quick or else she can be left drained of mana.

Speed, close combat, and healing are her primary abilities. Lacks any real defense and has a quickly depleting mana source.

Her technique is to embed her Fire and Light into her gauntlets, ranging from powerful up-close damage punches to long distance bombs that she can summon just from her hands. There is always a red glow from her gauntlets when she is using her mana, and many of her ranged attacks include fire.

Ebru can also call upon her mana to heal and support life. Her healing abilities often surpass her fighting skills, as she believes that every life is important and has spent much of her time studying health rather than battle.