Hello I was looking through your Market folder and quite a few designs caught my eye
As you probably saw from all the favs OTL

I tried to make sure they were all marked as trade
This is what I have to offer trade-wise
Here: https://toyhou.se/LeoxLinx/characters/folder:1042156
And EO: https://toyhou.se/LeoxLinx/characters/tagged:EO/folder:all
I might be ok with you looking through this link as well if you don't see anything you like 

I would like to offer trades for this guy I'm commenting on, as well as:
I know that's quite a few lol but if it helps they are listed in order of preference

I could possibly offer art but I am currently in an art hiatus due to a pet loss so it would take a while.

Tyvm for the offer! However I didn't see any characters that caught my eye, though I do like your art if your ok making an art offer I'd likely accept! And I also dm how long it takes ^^