Cosmos Mihou



2 months, 14 days ago


what a silly goose

name: Cosmos Macaque

age: 18

gender: agender

pronouns: it/he+mirror

species: Mystic Monkie

height: 5'2

designer: ME!!


Stupid little monkie guy. I have implied Macaque is his dad but I will neither confirm nor deny that. He's got the basic monkie power set+shadow manipulation, and chlorokinesis.


  • Redson (makin out w/ him fr)
  • Art
  • Plants
  • Writing
  • Apricots


  • Dragon Palace (there's lore)
  • Wukong
  • Secluded places


He was raised in a demon orphanage and went to hunt Mac down post his attack in his intro episode, mostly for training but also cause, 'hey, isn't that the only other mystic monkie with six ears in recorded history? Maybe he knows my family!' (it isn't that bright). He and Redson got close during the events of season 4 (that's where Red was I SWEAR guys) and he and Mac dragged it to the beach, which is when he met the rest of the mc crew.

Wukong was immediately a little distrustful of 'Macaque's "student"' a just a little rude, which resulted in it having a very pungent distaste for him. Even if he's tried to make amends afterward, hearing about Cos from the others and realizing Mac wasn't doing any corrupting, it refuses to change it's stance on him (MK takes the dislike very personally). It and MK got very close, sharing theories about their respective mentors past relationship status and, lovingly declaring themselves step-brothers. Cos helps train him with his monkie form as a user of multiple forms himself.