Crazy Eyes



3 months, 6 days ago


Background Story

We got a report about this clowndog, who scared the family because of his crazy looks, the family found him playing with their youngest child, but because he were so different in looks and colours they judged him to be a mean creature, and "saved" their child from this "evil being" as they said :/, we just listened and felt bad for the dog, we didn't tell the family though because we would be on their ground to take the dog with us, and if we suggested that it in fact weren't a mean creature they probably wouldn't give us permission to fetch the dog. He needs a loving home, prefferably with children, he absolutely loves them, and currently at his foster home, he once a week gets on the hospital for children with cancer to entertain and play with the kids, the most of the kids there absolutely adores him a few are though scared off his looks, but some seems to be getting used to it / come around to him since he is so amazingly friendly and good with kids :)