Johnny Truant



1 month, 12 days ago


Name: Johnny Truant

Age: 23

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Lesbian, she thinks. A lot of her personal life has become a blur.


This Architect has a predisposition for obsessive paranoia. If pointed in the right direction, her intense focus can turn her into your most motivated employee. Leave her directionless, however, and her seemingly irrational fears can manifest as destructive outbursts and insurmountable internal turmoil. Try to keep yourself familiar to her — if she begins to doubt you or your intentions, the consequences may be catastrophic.


Piranesi: Often annoyed by his upbeat, energetic attitude in the face of tragedy and hopelessness. Johnny feels like he’s a child who can’t help but endanger himself, and he needs constant supervision. She’s off-put by his closeness with “the house” (Ray).

By the end of the journey, she begrudgingly goes along with his optimistic mindset and is pulled out of her darkest moments by him. The two of them are close friends despite their vast differences in personality.

Ray: Initially met with total avoidance. Johnny does not want to be anywhere near them. She’s reminded of the House on Ash Tree Lane, the source of all of her troubles, if it was sentient and weaponized. 

Eventually, she becomes more comfortable around Ray and admires how calm they are compared to the strictness of Borges and the energy of Piranesi. She thinks they’re cool to hang out with and likes them the most of anyone in the team.

Borges: Hates her like an angsty teenager hates her mother, but becomes confused when her total adherence to doing things ‘the right way’ constantly takes the team down the wrong path. She suspects Borges of deliberately endangering everyone for some unknown reason.

By the end, when Borges’ intentions have become clearer, Johnny has learned to respect her but not to like her. They have similar needs for control over conflicting, fragmenting facts of reality and Johnny seems to understand her emotionally — she just can’t bring herself to really enjoy Borges’ presence.


Johnny used to be a backstreets-dwelling syndicate member, until she was hired by a Nest resident named Zampano to venture into the Outskirts with him. She wasn’t exactly sure what the purpose of their journey was, but she understood once she took him to the edge of everything known — there, they found a singularity called The House on Ash Tree Lane.

The House had the apparent ability to function as a “concept generator” — it could manifest small objects and locations and bend reality into behaving like the generated specimen had always existed. Believing in the power of the House immediately, Johnny decided to give up her life in the backstreets and become a scientist under Zampano’s guidance. They decided to research the singularity and find a way to beat out one of the current corporations with the help of a few other contributors, all hired by Zampano.

As Johnny worked here, and as she watched the power of the House on Ash Tree Lane grow, small parts of her memory felt off. She wondered if one of her coworkers used to have a different face. She didn’t remember entire buildings that she should have been passing by daily. As Johnny realized that she didn’t recognize the voice of a man calling her and claiming to be her uncle, she finally snapped and confronted Zampano.

Johnny accused him of housing a much larger, more powerful version of the House somewhere else outside of the laboratory and using her as a lab rat to test how generations that change significant parts of a person’s life would affect that subject’s memory. He completely denied this, and told her that the fact that she’s felt the need to concoct this bizarre theory must mean being in close proximity to the House for too long must have unforeseen negative effects on the human mind. Zampano told her to go home and rest.

The next day, Johnny wakes up as an employee of the Limbus Company Department of Architecture. She doesn’t remember where she is, what she’s doing, or who the people around her are — which comes as a shock to her coworkers, who tell her she’s been with them here for the past 3 months. Johnny, in horror, realizes that Zampano must have generated something that completely altered the trajectory of her life, and vows to find him again and shut down the House.