Desmida's Comments

She is horrifying and I love her. I would love to add her to my pantheon as the Goddess of Decay!

I'll update this later with more details <3

I would name her Desmida. She would be the wife of the Goddess of Growth (who I don't have a design for yet).

She is ageless and endless. Some see her as cruel, but she holds no malice in her heart. It is her nature to break things down, reduce everything around her to its most basic components. She and her wife follow each other in a constant cycle; all that grows must decay, and all decay feeds new growth. There is no bitterness between the two. Undoing each other's work is an expression of love.

Desmida is most responsive to the prayers of those who are old and diseased. Wise farmers pray to her to ensure their crops will be richly fertilized. Unwise farmers pray to her as well, asking her to spare their crops and livestock. She cannot answer these prayers, as she cannot prevent or lessen decay. Her presence dooms all around her to decomposition. Because she is not cruel, she avoids focusing her attention on those who pray foolishly.