


1 month, 2 days ago


Wren is the last of the earth’s champions! He’s approachable and peppy, with a talent for putting people around him at ease. Wren is observant but not always patient enough for his observations to fully sink in; he prefers to take action immediately when he recognizes a threat. He’s one of the only animal people who freely traverses the caves they call home, but he doesn’t do it out of curiosity. Wren is an alchemist, and many ingredients he needs for his potions can only be found outside of settlements. He’s become talented at avoiding monsters and traversing long distances in unconventional ways as a result! Wren doesn’t have close ties to anyone, but that’s more a result of his constant travels than any attempts at isolating himself. He likes chatting with others, but usually keeps his true feelings masked. Wren is one of the animal people, who make their home in the beneath, a series of vast, interconnected underground caverns. The depths of these caves are practically inhospitable, but the animal people’s gift from the earth was an ability to resist the toxic fumes and high pressure from the depths. The dragon stole this from them, forcing their people to live in only the highest parts of the beneath. Their land is overcrowded and, in many places, barren, for light only shines in a select few locations of the caverns. Long ago, with the help of the humans, the animal people embedded sunstones into the beneath’s ceiling. So long as these sunstones were linked to one on the surface, they emitted light equal to whatever the surface’s stone was experiencing. Unfortunately, when the lower reaches crashed to earth, many sunstones were buried. Those that still function are guarded jealously by the elite. Wren is not one of the elite, but his role as an alchemist means that he has experienced the light of the sunstones on occasion. When Wren first heard the earth calling to him, he kept the experience private. To heed her call, he would have to travel to the surface, and the only known exit to the beneath had been sealed for generations, only able to be opened from the surface. When the way was opened by the rest of the earth’s champions, it didn’t take Wren long to find the others and decide to go with them. Once he had, the earth urged them to travel deeper into the beneath, to her heart, where she could communicate more freely with them…