


1 month, 3 days ago


Nelly is a freshman college student! She’s a little awkward around people she doesn’t know and nervous in the face of authority, but when she’s comfortable she comes across as funny and thoughtful, in that order. She’s fascinated by magic and especially Elysium; a big part of why she came to the university she did is because it’s in a city with one of the few permanent beacons currently around and it already has an established magical studies department! Nelly has a major hurdle to overcome in her desired field, though: she has absolutely *zero* natural capacity for magic. With the way magic works in this world, that actually can work to her advantage in some cases–how much you are affected by magic is influenced by how much magic capacity you have, with the more magic capacity you have = the more you are affected by magic–but it means she can’t even use premade spells if they require energy from the caster. Her story is about her joining a magical research lab and learning everything she can about magic, and helping out where it’s possible! Luckily, when it comes to scientific research, you aren’t relying on personal spells. It’s more about magically-augmented equipment, which Nelly can usually use just fine (It’s usually powered by an internal source of energy). FUN NELLY FACT: One of her earliest memories is getting caught in a beacon when she was very young and briefly experiencing Elysium. A guardian found her and ensured that she made it back home, but the experience stuck with her. Nelly primarily remembers it as an extremely vivid dream–she’s not always sure if it really happened, and it’s not like her parents ever really talk about it. She still looks back on it fondly.