


1 month, 3 days ago


Justin is just a kid! He’s incredibly shy and finds talking difficult; even around people he knows well, it takes him a while to gather his thoughts and form sentences. He spaces out frequently and is a pretty mediocre student, but he’s very creative when given the chance to be! That said, he’s not usually taken seriously, so creativity is something he usually does in secret. As are pretty much all of his interests. Justin did not have a great home life. He’s literally a bastard–his mother, an elf, had a somewhat scandalous relationship with a member of another race, a bird person–and his mother makes no secret of how ashamed she is of him. She considers him a burden to her current marriage (With another elf) and is extremely demanding of him. If Justin isn’t the perfect son, his mom gets very angry very quickly. It was during one of these moments where she gave him a backpack and a stack of money and told him he had to go live with his uncle now. She didn’t provide transportation or even an address; Justin had to figure that out on his own. Luckily, his uncle happens to be a university professor, so he was eventually able to call him. Justin hitchhiked to his uncle’s home with the help of a kind stranger, and now lives with David from yesterday. David really, *really* hates his sister for forcing her kid to go through all of that, by the way! He’s determined to give Justin as good a life as he can manage.