


1 month, 6 days ago


Abrik, the Night elf Death knight


Abrik was a loyal Night elf who lived happily with her family and friends, until the Lich King's scourge. She had been killed and enslaved, turned into a death knight. As a servant of the Lich King, she slaughtered civilians, was made to execute her own sibling. When she finally regained her own mind and free will, she couldn't return to her former life and family, she couldn't face them, knowing she caused them even more pain than they deserved. She lived between different factions, but her alliance never belonged to anyone ever again. 

Her hair wasn't always white, it got drained of colour when she turned into a Death Knight. She can remember a lot from her life before, but she cannot remember what colour her own hair used to be.

She is friends with Emmil, the worgen mage, as they both understand what it's like to feel guilt over something they had no control over - Abrik as a death-knight being forced to bring destruction upon her home and family, Emmil as a cursed worgen, not being able to control his actions. They are not close friends, but they ocasionally meet and have a deep bond, despite not seeing each other often.

A lot further into the future, she will meet Amanmir, a dracthyr who was betrayed by their own creator, and the two of them will form an unspoken alliance and friendship