Iris Rider



2 months, 13 days ago


Iris Rider


Nickname content
Age 28
Birthday 2/4
Gender cisfem
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns she/her
Occupation Writer
Status Married


  • Morning person
  • Curious with a dash of naivity
  • Altruistic and always willing to help


  • Her girlfriend
  • A good book with complex story
  • Summer dates

Iris would be best described as a literal ray of sunshine, who spends lot of her free time either writing dark horror stories (or sometimes cute fantasy queer romance) or trying to expand her collection of shiny, sparkly things. She is someone who has gone through a lot of bad things in her childhood and so she chooses kindness and understanding in her adult life. Being a forgotten middle child in her rather conservative family, Iris chose to leave home and move across the state to find someone who wouldn’t make her feel insignificant and unimportant, figuring herself out on the way.


Currently, Iris moved to Edinburgh with all her close friends and her fiancé Carmen, settling down in a big apartment slowly overfilling with her and her partner’s collections, unnecessarily big amounts of books and their shared pet snake Snoots. She spends whatever free time she gets planning a wedding in Italy, hoping to get married in summer.

Childhood and teenage years

TW: Suicide mention, drug overdose, death

Growing up in a secluded area with mostly conservative people around wasn’t exactly easy. Coming from a family of five kids, Iris being a third, she never received much attention from her parents and had to take care of her younger siblings when her older ones went out partying. She only ever had one close friend in school with the same passion for storytelling, but they couldn’t withstand relentless bullying from classmates and ultimately ended their lives when Iris and them were about 11 years old. Losing the only person who understood her, her family barely acknowledging the incident, Iris quietly shut down emotionally and became a ghost of her former self. Few years later, she would meet her new classmate, Carmen, who was confidently so Iris’s gay awakening. They quickly became close even despite their huge differences (Carmen being from a wealthy family and Iris’s parents barely getting by) and they quickly formed a somewhat queer relationship, both too young and too inexperienced in queer love to call it so. Unfortunately, due to Carmen’s father passing away and Carmen moving away with her mother to New York, these two lost contact for several years.

At 17, Iris met another girl, May, who was two years older and able to pull Iris out of her depressive state, helping her open up and see the world from a bright side. May was the person who completely turned Iris worldview around, changing her from a shutdown pessimist to someone who could suddenly find joy and happiness all around her, in the smallest of things. However, May was also hanging out with bad people and struggled with drug addiction, slowly losing herself to her addiction. Iris, never fully aware of how much May actually suffers, couldn’t save her first girlfriend. One night, May accidentally overdosed in her room and Iris only found out days later from her parents, desperately trying to contact May through calls and messages, waiting at their hiding spots for hours and losing her mind, not knowing her first real love was already gone.

After that, Iris knew she had to leave the town, her family and everything else behind, leaving to study literature in Portland, hoping she could outrun her haunting past. Losing May left her once again suffering with depression, until, a year later, stumbling upon an old sparkling sun catcher in a window display of an old antique store. The piece reminded her of her late lover and buying made her feel like she gained a piece of her girlfriend back. Anytime she felt sad after that, she would go on a walk and come home with something sparkly to add to her collection, finally able to move on and continue her life like May would wish, full of love and joy to give to others.

Adult life

Throughout her studies, Iris kept a pretty close friendship with Sage with who she shared a flat for some time. Few years into them talking, Sage got drunk and admitted to Iris she’s in a kinky BDSM dynamic with her friend Rhys, someone Iris was silently crushing on for years. During their drunk talk, Iris told her friend she was interested in exploring this dynamic as well, being a pretty submissive person herself.

After a few (big) hiccups, they finally eased Rhys into the idea of another person joining their sessions and while Rhys struggled with his performance anxiety, Iris struggled with her intense crush on this man tied up in front of her. Over time, the group slowly found new balance and a lot more pleasure in their plays. However, not even a few months after finally finding rhythm, Iris bumped into her old… friend, Carmen – and things changed.

The two quickly picked things up from where they left them years ago, now both realizing that they were a lot more than just friends and soon enough, love blossomed between them again. There were things to overcome for both, of course. Carmen had deeply rooted abandonment issues that needed to be addressed, while Iris felt overwhelmed with Carmen’s wealth and needed to find her own worth. But overall, the feelings between these two women were hard to stop, their souls slowly intertwining into one, two soulmates finally finding each other. And when things were secure, Iris introduced Carmen to her kinky polycule, though Carmen herself never properly joined in on the fun and mostly just took care of the girls in private sessions.

Carmen and Iris got engaged just only a year into dating.


  • Were Iris in an alternate dimension, she would be a witch hunting for artifacts.
  • Her biggest dream was always publishing her stories.
  • She lost an eye due to cancer and now can wear funky prosthetics.
  • Iris never properly got over her crush on Rhys, still feeling bit shy around him, which Carmen makes fun of her for.
  • Her weapon of choice is a rapier and she owns several custom armors.



Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.