Francesca van Helsing



2 months, 13 days ago


Francesca van Helsing


Nickname Fran
Age 27
Birthday 27/10
Gender Cisfem

Pronouns She/her
Occupation Physics, Astronomy and engineering
Status Married


  • Kind loving soul
  • Loves gothic architecture
  • Takes a lot of inspiration from vampires


  • Her peace and quiet
  • Space
  • Thrifting

Fran is a lovely caring individual who used to struggle greatly with anxiety, self worth and body issues. She is undeniably smart and uses her talent to study space and engineering, aiming to one day maybe explore the universe from above the Earth. Until then, she works in a research centre located near Edinburgh, while still conducting research with her former US coworkers. Though, many people would certainly not guess her job, as she appears as someone who studied fashion or literature. Fran loves spending her free time with either her husband or friends or being cozy in her dark house with a good book. She’s the only one from the polycule who prefers to stay out of the kinky dynamic, feeling little to no sexual attraction at all.


Fran and her husband Fenrir moved from Portland, Oregon to Edinburgh, after their close friend (and Fenrir’s fuckbuddy) sustained serious injuries from a car accident and decided to change his life around and move out of the US. They bought a small cottage near the city with their joint savings and now live a calm peaceful life filled with gardening, travel and work to support their hobbies. Fran herself is slowly considering raising a child, but feels quite alright with just a cat and a puppy for now.

Fran is someone who had to fight hard to find her peace that she now defends it with all her might. She’s caring, quiet, gives great advice and always helps people in need. One could say she’s kinda gullible, but she would rather get scammed than let someone go hungry. Fran is greatly empathetic, sometimes making her an easy target for scammers, so her husband sometimes needs to step in and save her. She forgives easily, but she doesn’t forget. She wouldn’t hold a grudge, but if you hurt her, she would try to avoid you.

Besides from old architecture and fashion, her job is her main hobby. Too bad star posters would clash with her carefully designed home, making you feel like you went back in time if you stepped in.

Early childhood and teenage years

TW: ED, sexual trauma.

Growing up, Fran was lucky enough to have two loving parents, but due to their work life, they couldn’t spend as much time with her as they would like. Instead, they signed her up for afterschool activities, where she found her love for space and maths.

Watching Twilight was also a shaping experience for her as she discovered her lifelong obsession with vampires and their Victorian era aesthetic. (Though she quickly grew out of Twilight and decided to pursue better content such as historic books and documentaries, don’t worry.)

During her early teenage years, Fran would find herself comparing her body to other girls and rapidly falling to years of eating disorders and low self confidence. In fear of distracting her parents from their work, she ultimately tried to hide her struggles and hoped she could find validation from other men, who enjoyed her skinny figure. She unknowingly put her entire self worth into being attractive to other guys her age, being used for her body in exchange for fleeting affection and praise. After two failed relationships, she managed to get the attention of the new hot guy, Rhys, who was known for being the “popular bad boy” of the school. These two quickly hit it off together, despite their relationship being unhealthy and distant at best. Although they were somewhat close, each of them was not being exactly honest to about their boundaries and needs. Their intimacy felt forced and unwanted from Rhys’s side and Fran felt like if she’s not good enough in bed, she’s not good enough to keep around as a partner, even though she was caring, mindful and patient with her boyfriend’s cold attitude.

Ultimately, they only ended their relationship after year and a half of constant fighting and deep misunderstanding of each others needs. They went their separate ways for a while, until Rhys reached out few years later to apologise for his behaviour and wanting to set up a friendship between them, as she was one of the very few people who got to know him.

Adult life

Even after being successfully accepted into the best university to study space engineering and moving out of her parents house, Fran still couldn’t manage to set realistic boundaries and accepted that sex is to be seen as a payment for romantic life and partnership, occasionally dating both men and women.

However, at age 22, she attended a Halloween party with Rhys and met a man who would later become her lover: a gentle giant named Fenrir, also fitting the description of a golden retriever. It was the first time in her life she met someone who was able to provide her with unconditional love and romantic dates she didn’t have to ask for. Though respected and loved, she couldn’t admit to him that she does not enjoy their intimacy, fearing that he would leave her just like everybody else.

Although she was fully aware of him being in a polyamorous dynamic with her ex boyfriend (and current best friend) Rhys and his best friend Sage, she politely refused to participate in their sessions, growing increasingly more anxious that her boyfriend isn’t fulfilled with her and would move on to find a properly kinky partner for himself. This fear accumulated inside of her for nearly three years, before having a complete mental breakdown during routine sex with Fenrir, finally admitting her struggles with intimacy, admitting that she hates sex and only does it to keep dating him, her trauma making her unable to see how deeply he loved her for so many years. Fenrir, shocked as this was the first time she told him anything like that, reassured her that he would never do anything she is not alright with and he couldn’t see a future without her, sex only being a minor part of their relationship he would immediately give up on if it meant staying together. After a few hiccups and a lot of reassurance, Fran was finally able to fully embrace her asexuality and find peace within herself.

After that, she was finally able to love herself and her body, learning how to speak up and set boundaries. She continued her studies, spent time with her friends and family and in a few years got proposed to in Wales.


  • Being asexual is very important to her and she helps other people who are struggling with their own sexuality, believing that no one deserves to go through what she did.
  • Cannot handle spicy food for the life of her.
  • Fran is very good with kids, even though she never had siblings. If she were to choose a different major, she would become a teacher.
  • She had a fairly popular fan fiction account with many Twillight fanfics. To this day, she’s really embarrassed about it but cannot delete the account because she forgot her password.
  • She says that if she were a flower, she would love to be a black dahlia.



Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.