Yvonne (Origin)



2 months, 23 days ago

Basic Info






"Female" ("She/her")




The "origin" version of my main sona.

"Cold and depressed in personality, Yvonne only feels stuck in where she lives and feels stuck in her own body. Ignoring the constant nagging feeling of how something isn't quite right, she continues to ignore it and lives in a constant state of self hatred and misery. And it can be quite lonely at times."

A person who doesn't speak often cause she hates the way her own voice sounds, Yvonne is the representation of myself before I figured out I was trans. Though I still feel bitter about her existence in general, she's still a part of me and I'm a part of her. Things are tough but it gets better, even if progress is slow. 


Role in my overarching sona lore.


 A 16 year old who has been struggling with poor mental health and depression for years and years, hiding it behind a cold and stoic mask, Yvonne hasnt had the best upcoming. Finding somewhat comfort in her “best friend” Alex, though who's to say how good they can actually be for each other when they both are so mentally unstable at times, though she has still found comfort in both of their misery. She suspects that something else could be going on deep inside her but she continues to push it all down into the bottle of her mindscape that will surely overflow at one point. But for now, she’ll continue to force dresses onto her body that she already despises, hoping that one day two wrongs will make a right.

 But when Alex suddenly disappears without a trace from the world, Yvonne’s mental state starts to decrease rapidly. Blaming herself immediately for the disappearance of the only person she thought would never leave. Because of this, she found herself starting to play through mods of Alex’s favorite game at the time, a game called Doki Doki Literature Club, this being the only thing to bring her comfort. As she played through the mod, she felt a strange sense of familiarity with one of the modded characters, a girl character named Kiri. 

 As Yvonne played through the mod, she realizes that not only does Kiri remind her of Alex, she was Alex. Yvonne realized that “Alex” was only a front played by the mentally distraught mess she knew as her friend. With the help of the game's characters, Yvonne convinces Kiri to come back into the real world and to finally accept fully who she is. This makes Yvonne change for the better too, not anymore feeling as if she has to hide her own feelings of self doubt.