Nathaniel Le Blanc



2 months, 17 days ago


Name - Nathaniel Le Blanc

Age - 23

Gender - male

Occupation - criminal/gangster

Birthday - June 04, 814

Lives in - Harasaj Kingdom

Family/Friends - Leo (younger brother), Bernard (flatmate/"co-worker")


Likes/Interests -  art, tea, peace and quiet, sitting and doing nothing as for his whole life he's constantly busy, being in a fancy and elegant surrounding, night, animals, order and cleanliness, horses/horse riding

Dislike - traitors, duplicity, liars, people without honour, weakness and indecisivity, loud noises

Trivia - has a habit of smoking cigarettes when stressed


Personality - He is very self-confident, brave, loyal, decisive, assertive and dominant at the same time, disciplined, hard-working and composed, he never hesitates about anything and is the master of his own fate.  He's also very reserverd, cold, introverted, calm, enclosed in himself,  not inclined to express emotions and not emotionally effusive. Is also  very precise, responsible, observant and smart and always copes with  every situation. Towards others is rather serious, very distrustful and  suspicious, always firmly and clearly setting his boundaries. He is also  always brutally honest, he doesn't hesitate to tell what he thinks even  if it was to hurt somebody, he never hides anything and will always  tell you everything straight to your face, he also hates falsehood,  duplicity and liars. He's also very honorable and sticks to his own  rules. He can also be vengeful and very  unforgiving and also merciless to his enemies, and doesn't hesitate to  kill in cold blood, but he does so only if it's needed.
But he is also very loyal, caring and sometimes even overprotective towards  his younger brother Leo, always putting his well-being before  everything, including his own good, but sometimes being too worried or  jealous about him and his relationship with Bernard. He considers his  brother as the most important person in his life and is able to do and sacrifice literally everything for him, but he can sometimes be a bit controlling and when their opinions strongly conflict, he might acts in good faith to do what he thinks is right and best for his brother, without taking his opinion into account.