Don Zullo (Lore)



1 month, 20 days ago


Don zullo as a kid was a pretty shifty person, and he hasn't changed one bit! don zullo used to torment and bully his siblings and even people he didn't know. His friends had made up with the people they had bullied, and probably got into heaven if they had died. Don zullo hadn't changed one bit. Don Z. before he died often stole and took out lones without paying them back, and that lead to his death with an angry man with a sawblade. the man with the sawblade was named Karl, and Karl was one of his dons exfriends. and Karl ended up in hell after killing don, because murder isn't ok evidently (don zullo as stated before isn't a good person and would have probably murdered Karl if he didn't die by karl), and the reason was that Karl was trying to get his money back from Don is because because it was stolen and don didn't do that so he killed don with a sawblade, making it seem like an accident, even though it wasn't. When don z. arrived in hell, he was bewildered he was sent there because he thought that he would go to heaven because of one good deed he did. But that wasn't the case, he ended up there for all his cruel actions he did, and his borderline kleptomania. Him being a shitty person and a shitty worker didn't help either, so he's just trying to excape his punishment without consequences.he's looks physically 50 but he's actually in his mid 20s! don zullo has been in hell for 30 years, and hes still trying to excape.