


2 months, 24 days ago



Taefyri, or often simply called Tae, was born to an Earth father and Psychic Mother. She was born the smallest and weakest of the litter, who were all Earth wolves and because of her small size she was often the one who would eat last. She was often quiet, and down to earth, not standing up for herself. If other pups approached her to bully her to give them a toy she was playing with, she'd be submissive and give the toy she was playing with to them, as she hated confrontation and didn't understand why they couldn't just share what they had. Her father watched this go on, and tried to teach her to stand up for herself and be stubborn and defend her little ball of moss from other pups, but she would always give in and rather go do something else if another pup wanted her toy. Ever since she was young, she greatly suffered from bad nightmares of wolves she had never met before in places she had never been to before. It would often result in her waking up in a panic and waking up her parents and siblings who would get very angry and annoyed. While her mother tried to comfort her, this created a rift in the family. When she tried to explain what her nightmares and dreams had been about, her father forbid her to tell anyone she was having such dreams. Tae would eventually end up staying awake, biting her own tail for comfort as to not wake the others up. This would also lead her to spend a lot of time alone and eventually she began to wander out of the territory border to look for gems and stones.

One day she was out alone digging up gemstones, she came across another Psychic wolf who was doing the same, a loner she didn't remember seeing before. She didn't communicate with him and tried to listen to what her father had said and growled little puppy growls at him, even when he offered her help and small talk, she ignored him to dig for precious stones and gems. At the end of the day, she was too exhausted to walk back home with all her gems, so the loner would carry her, and all her little gemstones back to the pack and leave her at the border to not get into a territorial dispute with the Earth wolves. When Tae woke the next morning back in her pack, she was amazed to see she was not only home in the den with her mother, but she had all her gemstones with her still.

For a few years she would sneak out to look for more gemstones, meeting the stranger and eventually talking and learning more about him. Outside of pack territories, she became friends with him and he eventually began to teach and mentor her, teaching her about the different gemstones, and about the different species. His name was Tamir. For several years this lasted, at times Tamir would be gone for months if her father smelled a stranger near their territory or if he was off wandering to learn more about the world, but he would always return to her with stories. She still struggled with her nightmares, but when she was with Tamir and had her thoughts busy, she wouldn't have them as often and she saw Tamir as a mentor and father-figure.

Because she was born as the runt of the litter, and generally being very small for her age and because of her submissive nature she was often bullied and taken advantage of. While she has learned to stand up for herself in recent years, calling others out for being reckless or scolding younger pups, she's still quite shy and submissive. She is however, very sweet and will share the little she has with others. While she now-a-days spends a lot of time collecting precious stones and items she finds, she is very curious by nature and wants to learn everything she can. If she's not with her pack, she's either outside of the territory looking for items to collect or spending time with her mentor learning more about her powers and how to use them, or the world around her.

Physical Description

Symbolized - Yes
Marked - Yes
Mutated - Yes


Element - Psychic
Inherited Ability - Dust Free

Taefyri is an AzureHowl Reborn fan character. Species, bases and lore belongs to Shilach

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