


5 years, 9 months ago


Full name is Braith 'Mabyn' Halywn Llew, ty lune for that welsh name site i finally got the son this hecking name

also according to the site, Braith means diversely-colored (hella ironic right??), Halywn means salt,,,, i love that so much omg,, and Halywn means lion-like. Mabyn supposedly means 'a son' as well,,, i chose it to reference what his filler name was skskskskssk

One of those hard on outside, soft on inside type of people. Takes a while for them to begin to trust you. Doesn't like to sleep as they feel its wasting time, Doesn't like to eat much either. Very destructive towards self. Those that are close to him have to force him to eat and sleep oof. 

The ultimate signs that show that he feels close to you is 1. Crash sleeping near you, 2. Not putting up any fight when you ask them to take care of themself, 3. they bring you things you like without being asked (like if ur sad they'll come up with candy u like or maybe a new book, or a movie they rented)


- Will and has stayed awake for 8 days and then collapsed and slept for 3 days

- Painted as a kid and rediscovers a way to relax when he picks it up again in his mid-20s (did a ton of emo-ish monochrome paintings in his early to mid teens but doesn't tell anyone, they are hidden somewhere.)