Chiyo Akimori



6 years, 1 month ago


Chiyo Akimori
Age 16
Height 163cm [5'4"]
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Quirk Corona Wings
Orient. [info]
Status [y/n]
Significant Other [name]
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Occupation Hero Student
Affiliation U.A. Highschool
Universe My Hero Academia
Worth Priceless
Type Main
Status Active
Creator [topaziia]
Layout by Cheeriko
Let them Burn and Watch me Fade.

Chiyo Akimori (秋森 千世 Akimori Chiyo), Also known as The Burning Hero: Houka is a Hero Student at U.A. Highschool.

Though rather unknown amongst her peers, she has a high drive for her studies and seems determined to become the best hero she can be. Though sometimes it's clear it isn't just for the desire to help others... But if everyone benefits from her pursuing her own goals than it's a win-win, right?


Chiyo Akimori is a rather unassuming girl. One that doesn't quite stand out in a crowd unless you're looking for her. Just a tad taller than average with long auburn hair, she seems almost normal. The most striking thing of her apperance is her sharp orange eyes- intense like the blazing fire of her quirk. There are three distinct birthmarks under each eye, though it's unclear if it's related to her quirk or not.

While at school, Chiyo is often seen in uniform. Though she has been seen taking off her jacket at times due to running a bit warmer than her peers. Outside of school Chiyo seems to have a bit of a pastel punk aesthetic- though she tends to prefer yellows and oranges to match her autumn aesthetic. Wether or not this is on purpose or just a coincidence with her name has yet to be determined.

While her quirk is in use, it conjures two firey pair of wings. One set is much larger, situated between her shoulder blades, making them her primary wings. The secondary pair are smaller and sit lower on the back, often hanging at an angle. Along with her wings, 6 wisps are also summoned. A pair at her temples, on her hips, and on each ankle.

Design Notes:
  • The wisps that are summoned with her quirk are entirely optional
  • These wisps can also appear while her wings are not active
  • Often dresses with an autumn aesthetic in mind. Likes orange and yellow and fire, for that matter.


Calm - Brilliant - Agreeable - Dedicated

Laidback - Honest - Deceisve - Focused

Unforgiving - Calculating - Critical - Possessive

You know what, i'll write these blurbs later


  • Chiyo's name contains the kanji Chi (千) for Thousand and yo (世) generations, making her name mean A thousand generations or eternal. A nod at her phoenix-like quirk.
  • Her surname similarly means autumn forest, a nod at her warm design and theme.
  • Her Hero Name, Houka, has the kanji Hou (鵬) for Phoenix and Ka (火) for fire, Effectively naming her Phoenix Fire


  • The Dark
  • Heavy Storms
  • Villains, Obviously
  • Rushing
  • Forgetting to say goodbye

Skills & Abilities

Corona Wings Allows the user to summon four fiery wings at will.
Enables Flight A high resistance to heat and flames Wings are made of fire, and will ignite flamable materials nearby. Can also burn others. Usage of quirk will cause the formation of smoke in Chiyo's lungs, and overuse can cause choking and serious damage. As her wings are fully flame, they can be put out by water. Making Chiyo unable to use her quirk when it rains.
  • Barrage: Chiyo shoots off flaming feathers from her wings and lets them rain upon an enemy. Mostly just to distract, as the firey feathers will quickly die out and won't cause much damage.
  • Inferno: Chiyo forces more energy into her wings, causing them to grow in size and in intensity. The flames wil burn hotter and become more uncontrollable, but also cause far more damage.
    • Flash: Chiyo forces more energy into her wings, but only makes them glow brighter. Causing a bright flash and momentarilily stunning or blinding enemies who are looking directly at her.
  • Ring of Fire: Chiyo sets nearby materials on fire to create a fire around an enemy, trapping them until the dare to cross the barrier or until the fire goes out..
Fire Resistance
Being flame-resistant is also fairly useful. Chiyo can run into a fire without worrying to help rescue civilians trapped inside, or can go into a hot area in order to seek out enemies finding refuge inside.


Chiyo Akimori is the only child born to Kirari and Asahiko Akimori. They were well off, Kirari a popular actress and her father Asahiko a successful businessman. So young Chiyo rarely wanted for anything. Despite her sheltered upbringing, her parents were careful not to spoil the young child too much.

The manifestation of Chiyo's quirk was unexpected- A flash of flames that no one was prepared to handle. An unusual combination of her mother's light angel quirk and her father's judgement quirk. No one had expected it to result in literal flames- but alas here Chiyo sat. Though her quirk awakened naturally, it seemed it happened a bit too fast for her body to keep up with- for younger Chiyo wasn't quite as fireproof as she is now. Resulting in burns on her back where her wings join her body. For a long time Chiyo was afraid to summon her fire once more and causing more harm to herself and those around her.

Despite this mild setback, Chiyo was a rather rambunctious kid. Happy and excited. To tell someone now that the calm Chiyo used to be so energetic and they may not believe you. Even less if you were to tell them that once upon a time she wanted nothing more than to be an actress alongside her mother. She was even rather decent at it, getting a few small parts under her mother's guidance. Nothing that ever truly took off, and alas it was never meant to be. Because eventually it all came crashing down.

Chiyo was only twelve years old when it all came to a resounding halt. A robbery gone wrong is what they called it. An unforseen tragedy. Chiyo called it a murder. This would derail her dreams of stardom, and instead set her upon the path of a hero. Swearing to catch the one who killed her parents.

The next few years of Chiyo's life would be nothing else but focusing on her new path. Entrusted in the safe hands of her Uncle and his family, she was never quite the same. Convinced that the death of her parents had not been a robbery at all- but a targeted attack. By a villain that often targeted those with light-based quirks. Chiyo vowed to take them down- the villain, Void.

With her razor sharp focus and concrete goal, working towards it wasn't difficult. Even better when her quirk proved flashy and useful- just as a hero's quirk should be. Years of studying and practice is what it took before she arrived at the entrance exams for U.A. High, and Chiyo would settle for nothing other than what she wanted. And it worked well enough- earning her a spot at the school and another step in her plans.

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