Sasha The Hedeghog



2 months, 5 days ago


Background: In the nineties, SEGA was originally gonna remake ”Popful Mail” into “Sister Sonic” for the SEGA CD, starring of course, Sonic’s sister. But after a lot of fan backlash, SEGA cancelled those plans and simply release the game as is. But what if those plans never fell through? This is my take on Sister Sonic.

My Thought Process: For this take on Sonic’s sister, I made sure to have her design based off of the protagonist of Popful Mail, with the gloves, boots, and outfit. But I added a few tweaks to make her less of a copy. For example, the protagonist has a white outfit with a red top. I made mine’s black, and have her top similar to Rouge’s. Popful also has a sword, so I edited mine’s to look similar to Excalibur, cause I love Black Knight. I do love how she looks, though I may edit the quills later. Maybe look less stiff for next time.

Name: Sasha The Hedgehog

Nicknames: Sister Sonic (ey!) 

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Family: Sonic (I am debating making her his sister, but I still wanna include Sonia in some form, and not to mention other Sonic family members to consider. Perhaps cousin, but I’ll get to that later.)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: Good

Currently Residing: Christmas Island.

Present Occupation: Bounty Hunter, “Where your issue is her mission!” 


Sonic - She really cares for Sonic, often having his back and making sure he’s safe. Would even help him out in his adventures if the two were to ever cross paths. The one rule she has is that she will not harm Sonic, and no amount of money would change that. 

Battling - One reason she love bounty hunting is the thrill for battle. Learning about new foes, trying out weapons and magic, and finding new places. It’s all in good fun.

Flirting - So according to the concept ideas, Sister Sonic is “more sexy and flirtatious.” So I am including that here. She may be good and all, but she isn’t afraid to use her wiles to get what she wants. Maybe to swipe a pricey weapon or get loot from a crook. I bet she and Rouge would get along.


Slime Creatures - She hate them with a passion. They would make a mess with her and get everywhere. So if she ever has to face them, she’ll make damn sure they are take care of quickly and without them touching her.

Mimics - The amount of times she falls for it is too many to mention. Every time she finds a cheat or friendly face, she hesitates and examines it before doing anything. She even asked Tails for some device to make it easier for her.

Weapons Breaking - She especially hates it when they break during battle, and she doesn’t have another to help her. She then had to go all the way back to her base to get another or look around for another. It gets annoying so often.


Weapon Wielding - She is very skilled at using all types of weapons. Swords, axes, whips, wands, the works. Whatever she can get her hands on, she’ll fight back without trouble.

Magic Use - During her adventures, she learned to utilize magic for her adventures. Making healing potions, damage bombs, and so on. Although there was the occasional mishap. Especially was the “Invisibility Accident.”

Cooking - Can’t have adventures on an empty stomach. So she picked up cooking skills to eat during travel. And she can make a lot of delicious meals. Or some mistakes she can somehow stomach.


After Sonic takes off to his own adventures, Sasha decides to stay at her home island. But she wants the thrill of adventure, so she trained herself to be strong like Sonic to handle herself. She then decided to become a bounty hunter, so she can have adventures but remain back at home. She has a lot of memories there. Since then, whatever mission she was given, she heads off to tackle that mission. And she became a very popular bounty hunter, getting a good number of requests. She would soon reunite with Sonic once more and they spent some time catching up. Sonic was impressed with her tales, and vice versa. They would even adventure together sometimes for fun. Nothing speaks family bonding via deadly adventures.