


2 months, 11 days ago


(Not to be confused by Spider-Girl from Marvel. Plz don’t sue)

Background: In Sonic Adventure, there was a poster that featured this Spider-Girl in the background, with even 3D model to boot. But we never see her in the game, we never see that model fully without any filters, and we never even seen her reappear since. Closest we got is a sketch of her. So this is my take on fleshing her out. 

My Thought Process: So with the body fully drawn, I merely replicated it and simply gave it some color. She gave me Tiara and Trip vibes, so I gave her an orange color. And some purple shoes to fit the color scheme. I will say, drawing 4 arms was rather tricky. Gotta give props to Vivziepop for animating Angel Dust with 4 arms. That’s impressive. Spider-Girl could use some more work, so I may do that later down the line.

Name: Spider-Girl (Temporary Name. I suck with naming. lol)

Nicknames: TBA

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Alignment: Good

Currently Residing: Station Square

Present Occupation: Twinkle Park, as a bartender. 


Chats - One the reasons she likes to bartend is to chat with the locals. She likes to hear their stories and offer them advice. It feels relaxing and comforting to help others.

Bright Lights - Another reason for working at Twinkle Park are the sights. It’s called that for the reason, and it’s for the glimmering stars and decorations. It’s all so beautiful and she can’t help but admire them greatly.

Lo-Fi Music - She likes to hear this kind of music, especially at this bar. It fits the vibe and gets her in a happy mood. She always plays it and people tend to love it.


Bar Fights - She hates people who wanna cause trouble, whether cause patrons have beef with each other or to complain about service. Especially with her furniture and glasses being quite pricey to replace. She always uses her webs to make sure they are stopped before it gets worse.

Loud Music - The polar opposite of Lo-Fi Music. They are a pain in the ears and hates it when patrons put it on. She would remove them, but they are required for the choices. So she tries to cover her ears or do her best to ignore it til the music ends. 

Stealers - She doesn’t take kindly to those who steal her drinks, money, or food. She got a business to run, and she has no time dealing with those troublemakers. She would web them up to ensure they won’t get away.


Ambidextrous/Multitasking - As a Spider, she got a lot of arms, and she knows how to use them. She can work on stuff while chatting with another at the same time with no issue. Like that one scene from SpongeBob raising that clam baby.

Crawling - As a Spider, she can scale on walls with ease, as well as the ceiling. No matter what texture or angle, she can crawl around with no trouble. Useful for cleaning tough to reach areas. 

Webbing - As a spider, she can shoot webs THROUGH HER HANDS. Let me clear. And no not like Spider-Man, least hopefully due to the fact the multiverse exists. She shoots them out of her palms. Usually to trap those who try to dine and dash or to wreck the bar. No one is getting past her.


Spider-Girl is a simple resident going through life. She found her job at Twinkle Park, so she decided to work there. And the rest is history. (Sorry. Trying to think how her story would turn out.)