Roxanne The Raccoon



2 months, 11 days ago


Background: This was originally a redesign of Roxy Raccoon from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, who debuted in Episode 44 “Untouchable Sonic.” However, I ended up falling in love with her design. And thanks to Chinry, I decided to make her my own OC. 

My Thought Process: With her design, I immediately thought of the “Sexy Waitress” pose for her. Made her anatomy and face close to the usual Sonic character anatomy, and then worked on the head. I struggled a bit with the hair, so then I added the bob cut. That right there is when I fell in love lol.

Name: Roxanne Raccoon

Nicknames: Roxy (see what I did there?) 

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: Good

Currently Residing: Station Square, close to her job

Present Occupation: Waitress at Bruno’s Bar and Pool


Rollerblading - She likes to ride on rollerblades on her free time. She also loves to do it in her diner, throwing it back like the old days.

Jazz - Her favorite music to listen to. She likes to turn on that old jukebox, and play tunes that fit her mood. 

Rainy Days - When the rain drops, and the music plays soft music, that is her favorite vibe. Especially on her breaks, she can sit by the window, coffee in hands, and look out the window on rainy weather to reflect. Those are the best to her.


Annoying Customers - As an employee, she had to face these a lot. Karens, rowdy teens, impatient people, she dealt with it all. Even after getting used to it, she still can’t stand it.

Inconvenient Shifts - She likes to enjoy her days off, but when her job asks her to cover a shift or help a bit, she gets annoyed by it. Sure, she likes the money, but she would like to enjoy her free time without any interruptions.

People Who Tip Peanuts - Now she isn’t someone who forces people to tip her. But if people tip her pennies or pretend to tip her as a joke, she gets pissed. Tough times lately and people should be more respectful when it comes to tipping.

(No I totally didn’t based this off real life. Whatcha talking about? *Whistles innocently*)


Rollerblading - She is very skilled at it. Often joining small events and winning them. She is even good enough to use them at work, helping many tables at once.

Memorization - Dealing with a lot of customers got her practicing memorization. She can write down a good chunk of orders with ease. Even after with people muttering or dealing with many of them at once.

Cooking - She is a good cook, making tasty meals in a steady pace. And when not at work, she treats herself with the best meals. She deserves it after a long day at work. 


She was a simple lady, living life and working the typical 9 to 5. She does deal with Sonic’s adventures here and there, but she gets out unharmed. Even helping Sonic sometimes with intel or news she gets from customers. She does have small feelings for him, but she knows his heart is somewhere else. She hopes one day she finds true love.

In the meantime, she continues to work at the diner. She likes the job well enough barring a few annoying things here and there. It can get tough sometimes, but she learns to live life one step at a time.