Finn Frigard



5 months, 27 days ago






late 30s

187 cm




Theme song

Zodiac sign

ENTP - Debater

Kuroguns (Loreen)



  • Finn is a wind-beaten 'Northman' in body and soul, not much of a thinker, but he compensates it with muscles.
  • He used to be very devout, dedicating his life to local gods, but recently he realized what blind faith does to a person.
  • Finn is a traveler. His dream was to sail around the world, unfortunately, he didn't realize how vast the world is.
  • He is illiterate. He started learning central language (including regular reading and writing) which is common in Wagara region quite recently. Before this step, he drew simple symbols.


Finn's story begins far in the north in the village of Sjöngbörg. It is a typical Nordic settlement on a smaller island, where tribes war among themselves. Finn was born as a twin to his brother, and at that time, the shaman proclaimed a prophecy over them, stating that one of them would bring destruction and the other prosperity. Unfortunately, the villagers took matters into their own hands and, without giving the children a chance, automatically pushed one of them aside. It was Finn, however, whom the villagers assigned the fate of bringing them prosperity. Finn's father had other plans, though. According to Finn's memories, he decided to kill the little boy when he was just eight years old, handing him a bow, a quiver on his back, and sending him hunting with the words that he shouldn't return without food. It was Finn's older brother who saved his life from a bear back then. He taught him how to hunt and shoot with a bow. Subsequently, his father acknowledged and accepted him as he was able to survive. He taught Finn to use an axe and trained him in combat.

The whole village loved Finn, forgiving him for any childish mischief. However, Finn's twin didn't have such a fate. The village shunned him, rejected him, and blamed him for things he hadn't done. Finn always stood up for him, taking all the blame upon himself in front of his father. Yet, they never had the strong bond typical of twins. At the age of 15, an incident occurred where Finn's twin was expelled from the tribe and was never allowed to return. After this event, Finn closed himself off and began to build his first boat for his future travels. On the day of his coming of age, when the whole village was preparing a celebration, Finn set sail. He had had enough of pointless battles for territory, bloodshed, and the cycle of revenge. He spent many years on his boat in the middle of the seas. At almost 30 years old, he arrived at the central island to Wagara region, where he decided to find a new home. About four years later, he meets Neisa, and it takes them almost a year to come together. Today, he lives with Neisa in the village of Viarme, where he make boats and fish. He's learning how to read and write and gradually, he is becoming a civilized man in the eyes of Wagara residents.

Finn tends to be reserved around strangers, initially listening and visibly forming his own opinion about them. However, he has no trouble making a strong first impression. After getting acquainted, Finn is friendly, entertaining, and a comedian. He enjoys being the center of attention and has a love for humor. Outside of social gatherings, he is focused, calm, preferring to think before acting; he is a strategist. His motto is "in simplicity is beauty." He often finds simple solutions, which can be difficult for others to understand. He is a passionate romantic; when he falls in love, it is pure love, and when he gets angry, it is pure rage. Fortunately, he is not often angry.

He is a tall, muscular, and sturdy man. Finn maintains a beard on his face and red longer hair, which waves down to his shoulders. He typically ties it back in a ponytail or braid. Finn is covered in tattoos, leaving only little space for more. His tattoos are done in an old-fashioned manner typical for his tribe. He wears several bracelets, which he says are his only reminder of his old home. His clothing is simple, he's wearing mostly comfortable trousers and a tank top, usually in dark colors. His most favourite food is game meat prepared by his wife Neisa.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • beer
  • food - especially from Neisa
  • the vast sea
  • hunting


  • reading and writing
  • wars
  • complex solutions
  • arrogant women


  • friendly
  • entertainer
  • brute
  • hard-working


  • hunting/fishing
  • intimate activities
  • boat building
  • braiding his beard