🎶Kleptomaniac Crow | ADOPT



1 month, 5 days ago


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Inspired by this song, more off the vibe than the actual story though.

(Opt lore) 

One of the village’s herbalists. She often spends her free time wandering the forest in search of pretty feathers, unique plants and rocks, mushrooms, or other items that appeal to her. She’s known to be a bit of a hoarder, though she’s quite good at keeping everything she collects organized and in it’s place. You can often find her trading with her village-mates.

She has a happy-go-lucky personality and an optimistic outlook on life. She enjoys telling scary stories, and she’s quite good at it too! She seems attracted to things that would frighten most cats, her curiosity always getting the better of her, no matter how dangerous the situation may become, and chances are she’ll be oblivious to the looming danger the whole time, yet somehow she manages to avoid it by pure luck, and with the help of her bird.

despite her obliviousness, she’s very clever, and great at pulling pranks on others.

She’s almost always humming a tune, accompanied by her pet bird named Crow who sings along with her. She loves birdwatching and she’s especially intrigued by crows, hence naming her bird Crow and decorating her fur with crow feathers.