


2 months, 22 days ago



"You're resting on your laurels and stepping on my toes, whose side are you on?"

Maria Radovan

Names and Aliases []
Full Name
Maria Radovan

Characteristics []
European Pine Marten







Affiliations []

European Banisher Guild


Connections []
Ivanoc Radovan (Father)
Elise Radovan (Mother)
Ante Radovan (Great great grandfather, revolutionary Banisher)

Name (relation)
Name (relation)
Name (relation)

Joan (hesistent partnership)
Jacklyn (target.)
Name (relation)
Misc. Information []
Voice Claim


Creation Date

Maria Radovan Is a banisher that hails from northern Croatia. She has a strong sense of faith and religion and is very intent on her mission to rid the world of unholy spirits. All of this is thrown for a loop when she meets an Ekon during her travels in London, and she realizes that faith is a bit more complicated than she was lead to believe.


Maria is a well-kept pine marten with short fur and very round features. She is adorned with many trinkets and magical banisher artifacts. She keeps up a very feminine appearence, but ties up her skirt when nessasary. Her tail often drags on the ground, but she has a good control over it.


Maria is very cautious, and may come off as unfriendly to strangers. In reality, she's afraid of a lot of things, most of all she has a fear of God, though wouldn't admit it. She is very focused on her goals and she would stop at nothing to complete them. At least, that's what she thinks. She's very suceptable to manipulation due to her upbringing, but has little trust for the 'unholy'.


Pre-Banisher; childhood

Maria grew up on the coasts of Croatia with both parents. Her mother was always distant and cold, dissapointed in her husbands choice of career path. He was a Banisher, always off on another mission, risking his life and coming home to tell tales of grandure to Maria and her siblings. She always argued that it was unfit for a gentleman, and that filling her children's heads with this kind of nonsense was unwise. Despite this, Maria grew up idolizing her father. She was always close to him, asking him to show her everything he knew. Still, her mother frowned upon this. From a young age, it was always instilled in Maria's head that her faith and religion were the number one most important thing in her life. She took this to heart, and became a very religious young girl. While her mother's career path of choice for her was to become a nun, Maria took this as a sign to become a Banisher like her father.


Ivan took on Maria as an apprentice the second she turned 15. While it was quite young to start training, he believed that it was better to learn early. Ivan was a very reckless man, and Maria ended up inheriting this trait to the horror of her mother. They spent a long time travelling the country together, alienating themselves from the rest of the family at time. Her father told her stories of how their ancestor, Ante, was one of the leading banishers in Europe at the time of the Nightmare epidemic. While it was quite uncommon for a woman to become a banisher at this time, Maria never backed down.


Maria officially "graduated" her banisher training when she was about 22 years old. A year later, her father died on a mission. She was overcome with grief and lost contact with most of her family. She stayed in Croatia while her mother and younger siblings moved back to France, her mother's homeland. She became very reserved and lonely. Granted, she did her job quite well, but she was not very approachable to others in the European Banisher's Guild or just people in general. She continued devoting her life to God, becoming quite recognizable to the priests in the area due to her tendency to stick close to churches and 'holy land,' claiming it made her feel safer and more confident. Eventually, the Croatian shores become pretty peaceful in terms of spectors and Maria moves to London, hearing whispers of a strange type of undead had been popping up...


  • Banish - Using ancient magic, Maria is able to banish and ascend spectors into the afterlife.
    • Maria's father crafted all of her banishing gear.
  • Ability Name - Description of the ability.
  • Ability Name - Description of the ability.
  • Ability Name - Description of the ability.
  • Rifle - A large, brown rifle. It's inscripted with Banisher symbols.
    • NOT to be used on mortals.
  • Banisher's sword - A crafted sword made specifically for the banishing of spectors.
  • Banisher's rings - Handmade rings inscribed with Banisher symbols.


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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.