Amber Adopt #1 | on hold



2 months, 17 days ago
Trade Listing


Adopt stuff you can delete once you get character: 
• looking for art only of my characters if you’re interested we can discuss it 

• will go on hold during the art process 

• while I cannot control what you do with them I’d hope you intend on using them I don’t wanna see em collecting dust but then again I cannot force you to do anything so shrug 


• Ambers were created as a project to instead of injecting into the ground to inject into certain trees on the planet Earth causing these types of Gems to be created. 

• Ambers are terraformers similar to lapis’s however only a handful of Ambers were made due to so many differences between the same gems due to where they were made some Gems even feature more organic features of Earths organisms such as fossilized creatures and sometimes creatures that fall into the Amber durning the incubation process causing some Gems to have bug like features most commonly being wings. 


  • A Amber Gem with an organic creature inside its gem due to it falling inside while the gem was in the process of being made. 
  • Because of the insects being inside this gem has wings on its back allowing it to fly