


2 months, 24 days ago



Basic info

Name Ehemon
Type Slime
Attribute N/A
Family N/A
Tamer Milos Petrakis


A Slime digimon resembling Puwamon. Though weak, Ehemon are covered in purple feathers which are loaded with irritants. To protect itself, it shoots bubbles at the opponent, which are loaded with the irritants coated on its feathers, and uses the chance to flee while they are still recovering (Puff Bubbles).


Puff Bubbles: Shoots bubbles at the opponent which are loaded with the irritants coated on its feathers.

Basic info

Name DemiDaemon
Type Lesser
Attribute N/A
Family N/A
Tamer Milos Petrakis


A Lesser digimon with red scales. It has a unique appearance among other Baby digimon, taking the form of a serpent. As it has prominent Demon-species data for an in-training, it has a very wild personality which makes even a tamed specimen hard to approach. Its Special Move is biting down on the opponent with a large flaming mouth, which causes burns (Hot Bite).


Hot Bite: Bites down on the opponent with a large flaming mouth, which can cause burns.

Basic info

Name BatDaemon
Type Demon Snake
Attribute Virus/Unknown
Family Nightmare Soldiers, Unknown, Wind Guardians
Tamer Milos Petrakis


A demon snake resembling a snake. It was formed from lingering viruses, some of which has the potential to plunge the Digital World into disarray. Due to the variety of viruses that compose it, many individuals of the same species can have differences in appearance. It can’t fly, instead using its large wings to glide across the ruins and valleys that it calls home.

It can release the lingering viruses out in a concentrated bolt of acid, which is strong enough to corrode steel (Bubbly Nightmare). It can also use its Special Move, which is to fire a mysterious power from its eyes that induce paralysis (Snake Eye Glare).


Bubbly Nightmare: Spits a bolt of concentrated acid from its mouth. This acid is strong enough to corrode steel.

Sharp Wing Attack: Rushes at the opponent and uses the claws on its wings to attack.

Snake Eye Glare: Fires a mysterious power from its eyes that induce paralysis.

Basic info

Name Calydomon
Type Mammal
Attribute Virus
Family Nature Spirits/Nightmare Soldiers
Tamer Milos Petrakis


A Digimon that had caused havoc in the Iliad server. In order to punish it, Angewomon struck it with one of its holy arrows. It was given three sacred trials, and if it were to succeed and atone for its actions, it would ascend and evolve into a more royal form, overcoming the holy energy that would kill it if it continued on its destructive path.

Its Special Moves are using the flames on its tail to burn the opponent (Incineration Tail) and fanning slightly acidic bristles in a wide area, which are barbed and primarily used to goad opponents into attacking it (Porcupine Syringe). If it finds itself on the back foot, Calydomon can retreat into its shell-like armor and set fire to the crest with its tail in order to dissuade and burn attackers in one stroke (Centurion Casket).


Incineration Tail: Uses the flames on its tail to burn the opponent, either by whipping them or sending a fireball at them.

Porcupine Syringe: Fans slightly acidic bristles in a wide area. These bristles are barbed and primarily used to annoy its enemies into attacking it.

Centurion Casket: Retreats inside its helmet and sets fire to the crest.

Boar Impaler: Rams its tusks into the enemy with a full-on charge.

Basic info

Name KingCalydomon
Type Beast Knight
Attribute Virus
Family Metal Empire, Nature Spirits, Nightmare Soldiers, Virus Busters
Tamer Milos Petrakis


An elusive digimon known as the King of Boars. It is a rare evolution for Calydomon, as most Calydomon are unable to survive the Holy Arrow embedded in its data for too long, but once a Calydomon has lived long enough it is able to take this form. It wields the holy blade, Joyeuse, a weapon only it can use and master, and if any other digimon were to grab hold of it they would be ripped into tatters by its sheer power alone. Its special ability is to use the Joyeuse to cleave the air with enough force to rip open the air, showing the gates of heaven and hell for a split second (Duality Cleaver). Also, it can split itself into up to six figures, surrounding the opponent and slashing all at once (Sixiéme Valse).


Duality Cleaver: Attacks with enough force to rip open the air, revealing the gates of heaven and hell for just a split second. Digimon hit by it are hit by confusion, as they see these illusions longer.

Sixiéme Valse: Splits itself into six figures, surrounding the opponent with illusions. Then they all attack with the Joyeuse at full force. Most ultimate-leveled digimon are usually annihilated, and it even puts a dent into the defenses of megas.

L'heure Bleue: KingCalydomon brings its cloak in front, causing it to harden into a shield from the flames. Any wounds KingCalydomon endured are healed by blue embers that lightly envelops it.

Basic info

Name Typhosmon
Type Demon God
Attribute Virus/Unknown
Family Nightmare Soldiers, Unknown
Tamer Milos Petrakis


A Demon God Digimon that aspires to be as powerful as that of the Olympos XII, if not moreso. Said to be born from the depths of the Digital World, it does not rest until each and every one of the Olympos XII is destroyed. It's considered to be a nigh-unstoppable force, with armor made of Obsidian Digizoid. Also, not only does the armor make getting close to it daunting, but it is equipped with its Echidna Spear, which also has the ability to pierce all kinds of armor no matter how tough or reinforced it is.

Its Signature Move is breathing venomous flames from its mouth, which also poisons everything around it with the fumes if not from the direct hit (Cilician Stream). Also, its claws are venomous, making it dangerous to get into close quarters with it without getting poisoned (Rend Claw). Additionally, it can capitalize on the strength of its wings by flapping them, releasing cutting winds in a wide area (Thousand Echo).


Cilician Stream: Breathes venomous fire from its mouth, poisoning everything around it with the fumes if not from the direct hit.

Rend Claw: Stabs the opponent with venomous claws, which can easily pierce through the toughest armor.

Thousand Echo: Flaps its wings, releasing cutting winds in a wide area.

Echidna Spear: A simple attack with the spear in its hand. The spear is also made of Obsidian Digizoid.



Magic Attack


Magic Defense




















