


1 month, 2 days ago

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Awaiting art From

moonbunbit, FurBakery


Age Unsure appears ~35

Gender Non-Binary

Birthday 23rd November

Height 5'6

Species Smooth Collie

Excitable Loving Selfless Brave Energetic

Known for her happy eyes and big toothy grins, Thirteen is a super duper excitable, friendly pup. She's fairly territorial and will often go a little too far to stand up for people- especially those close to her- but she means well and spends a lot of time and effort trying to make people get along. She loves space & stargazing, exploring new places, the thrill of danger and the unknown, making friends, and trying new things. She is often found tinkering with electronics or reading a good book. She can space out very easily and a lot of time passes without her realising, so she likes to be in loved ones' company as to stop her mind from wandering and keep her grounded. Thirteen loves making people smile- telling jokes, stories, you name it. Sometimes her head is a little 'in the clouds' but her friends think it's sweet.

Design Notes

Thirteen is heavily inspired by / based on Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor from Doctor Who. That being said this character is still an oc of mine and not to be used by others! 13 is a peach coloured smooth collie with starry brown/green eyes and short blonde hair. She wears the 13 Doctor's classic outfit and has an optional TARDIS themed collar.

Yellow ยท Jodie Whittaker