


1 month, 28 days ago



Basic Information

Species Nobillian Homeworld Unknown
Life Stage Young Adulthood Height WIP
Gender Female Pronouns She/Her
Allegiance Jedi Order Title Jedi Master

We are all a part of the great tapestry.

Force Usage


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac enim porttitor, sodales lorem eget, rhoncus sapien. Morbi iaculis arcu risus, vel pellentesque risus tincidunt at. In malesuada ornare quam consectetur vehicula. Vivamus id pulvinar tellus, vitae elementum justo. Donec commodo interdum justo. Donec elementum, leo nec fringilla malesuada, turpis nibh maximus lacus, in efficitur odio ligula sit amet ipsum. Donec blandit maximus urna, vel sodales mi porttitor in.

Suspendisse lobortis vitae mauris et malesuada. Morbi blandit nec nunc id porta. Mauris ante arcu, fermentum a ullamcorper quis, vulputate nec sapien. Vivamus id erat enim. Ut id condimentum tellus. Cras mauris massa, interdum id leo et, sodales pellentesque arcu. Etiam elementum molestie nisl. In vitae aliquam lacus. Sed nec ipsum a magna cursus imperdiet eu at ex. In convallis turpis sagittis condimentum imperdiet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus id quam id purus pulvinar condimentum. Donec ut leo nunc.

Sed ac dui non leo imperdiet molestie vel non ipsum. Proin iaculis diam sed ligula dignissim, a pellentesque nisl suscipit. Mauris vulputate ligula ac erat viverra, malesuada viverra ligula posuere. Sed ullamcorper molestie mauris ac efficitur. Integer ut metus tincidunt, mattis lacus ut, blandit ligula. Phasellus fringilla, urna id mollis tincidunt, neque elit ultrices odio, in semper ipsum nulla a neque. Sed et ante magna.


Shaana seems to do everything with an ethereal grace. Many of her Jedi contemporaries adamantly contest that she actually floats instead of walks, as if she were some kind or intangible spirit. She possesses an effortless elegance that infuses itself into her every action. Every movement and word is carefully chosen and curated to embody her inner light. She is a Jedi that exemplifies the ideas of poise and charm..

However this does not affect her personability as one might think. When first viewing her others often expect someone who is uptight and judgemental, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Shaana accepts and loves people for who they are, she holds no such standards for others. She lives her life as she enjoys and understands the force works uniquely for everyone. What makes her shine may dull another, and she’d never want to see that happen. Whether an opera star or a farmer she finds beauty and value in all beings and welcomes them equally into her warm atmosphere.

She is incredibly intelligent and detail oriented, and often gets lost in fits of explosive curiosity. Her mind is as fluid and nebulous as the way she holds herself. Freely intaking new ideas and cultures while dancing with them. She may not make them a part of her own personhood, but she will always do her best to understand and respect others' way of life. It is this trait that lends her to being such an exemplary conflict mediator.

Shaana is a force within the order, subconsciously moving people and things into her orbit and bettering them. She is kind, open minded, and devoted to the order and the force. There has never been a Jedi who has had bad words for her, and many believe this is how it will be forever.


  • Dancing
  • Force Magic
  • Sewing
  • Her Padawan
  • Laughter


  • Ignorance
  • Spicy Food
  • Impatience
  • Space Travel
  • Stagnation


  • Sees the force as a great quilt of many colors and patterns.
  • Enjoys sweet and floral flavored foods.
  • Stuidied dance at several reputable academies.
  • Uses lightstaff as a writing instrument as well.
  • Can see force auras around people.


Suspendisse gravida, risus eget laoreet consectetur, magna lacus tempus risus, vitae vestibulum nisi leo id nibh. Nam vel placerat dolor. Duis non dolor sit amet nunc dignissim pulvinar. Aliquam in luctus odio, et elementum augue. Maecenas fermentum pharetra turpis, vel tempus mauris interdum nec.

Morbi placerat libero dui, quis pretium nunc ornare a. Vivamus pharetra facilisis nunc, sit amet sollicitudin tortor facilisis iaculis. Vestibulum condimentum hendrerit nunc, eget cursus arcu dignissim sed. Pellentesque tincidunt eu quam ut tincidunt. Ut porttitor posuere aliquet.

Nam pellentesque elementum dolor a lobortis. Sed id dui bibendum nunc blandit aliquam sit amet eget dui. Aliquam in fermentum urna, eu condimentum lectus. Nam lobortis ac lacus eu faucibus. Donec bibendum nisi eget lacus mollis, vel pulvinar nulla gravida.

Design Notes

  • Arms and legs are segmented almost like a doll.
  • Has a long tonguelike proboscis for drinking.
  • Fingernails are always sharp and pointed.
  • Eyes are a warm brown color.
  • Lacks ears.



Former Padawan

Shaana loves and dotes on her former padawan like a mother would.

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