Aspis Tasamang



5 months, 26 days ago

Basic Info












Alive (reincarnated)


A snake-human hybrid assassin who works at the Variegated Guild.


  • Nana Tasamang (younger sister)
  • Unnamed mother
  • Unnamed father
  • Unnamed ex-girlfriends
  • Mahia Lim (ex-girlfriend)
  • Jade Tsori (boyfriend)

LIKES -- Business casual/formal wear, knife fighting

DISLIKES -- Colorfulness, people in general, Jerma


Aspis is practiced in faking amiability and sweetness, but only does it if absolutely necessary, which is why he cannot hold most jobs. He is actually extremely rude and thinks only of himself, and since his family was rich, he was spoiled his entire life. After his first kill, he finds that he enjoys killing people, which partially drives him into the guild business (where he can kill people, but it's not considered bad because they're often contracted to kill bad people).

He is homophobic, but doesn't realize he's closeted until much later, because he thought that he hadn't found the right girl yet and that it was normal to not feel very attracted to women even as a straight guy. He is aesthetically attracted to feminine-looking people which is why he thought he was straight for so long, because he thought girls were pretty but wasn't into them.

Despite his broodiness and general unpleasant demeanor, he is loyal to a fault, and if he likes someone enough (or thinks he does, at least), he will be selfless for once in his life. 



Aspis had it drilled into him from a young age to be a good older brother to his sister Nana. He harbors deep resentment for her because she is more well-liked, but never tells anyone about it because he was taught to care for her his entire life. 

At some point in college, Aspis walked in on his friend kissing another man. His friend was closeted and told Aspis that he had been forced into it. Aspis, along with two other friends, then beat up and killed the man his friend was with, degrading him with homophobic remarks as well. This would be the event that would condemn him to reincarnation.

He had a string of girlfriends, the most recent before his death being named Mahia Lim. He was very aesthetically attracted to her and at her request even dyed his hair pink (his hair is naturally black) even though he didn't like the color. While on a date with Mahia, he was bitten by a snake, and as they were too far out to get any medical treatment, he died. The star god presiding over his fate merged him with a snake in his reincarnation and also permanently made his hair pink. 


After reincarnating, Aspis joins the Variegated Guild after seeing it advertised on a post. His appearance was changed to be more colorful so as to fit the guild requirements. For a time he was living on the streets even after this until Sadie offered him a place to stay (at the cost of his salary).

On his first mission where he went to a village to kill an old woman named Iris Mangles, he met up with Jade for the first time. The two of them both had the same mission and got into a fight, where Aspis was nearly killed but was saved by Sadie. Sadie instructed him to rip out Jade's throat, which he did, but didn't fully succeed, and when they left Jade was still alive. 


  • The snakes in his hair mimic whatever emotion he's feeling. They are also autonomous to some extent, and can speak fluent Mandarin. They require Aspis to feed them every day rather than gaining energy directly from him, and they hibernate in the winter. He wears a hat constantly in the winter to give the immersion of a hibernation den. 
  • Aspis is fluent in Malay and English, but is very poor at Mandarin.