Guinevere Goetia



Full name: Guinevere Goetia

Nicknames: Guinevere (by everyone), your highness(by servants), Auntie Guinnie (by Stolas)

Age: unknown

Species: Goetia royalty (Princess)

Family: mother(unknown), father(unknown), Stolas(nephew), Helena (older sister)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 170 CM 

Gender pronouns: She/her

Birthday: unknown

Personality: Demure, sweet-hearted and bubbly. She loves bringing cheer to her subjects and always strives to be a royal that is beloved by her people.

Abilities: Her magic lies in shooting stars/travelling comets and the wishes they carry.✨

Likes: Her kingdom and her people, walks in nature, the night sky and experimenting with her magic.

Dislikes: (coming soon)